Why does everyone want to run a half marathon?

Why does everyone want to run a half marathon?
Lander Azpiazu
Lander Azpiazu
Coach and marathon runner
Posted on 13-07-2023

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As we progress in our training and improve our physical condition, the desire to compete begins to grow among most amateur runners. Paces improve, the feeling of continuous suffering disappears and enjoyment undoubtedly takes over. Like any construction, our competitive debut must also start with a solid foundation, which means starting with shorter races.

Half marathon debut

Usually, those who give it a try and stand at the start line with their running shoes on for the first time end up getting hooked. If the first race is around 5-10 kilometers, little by little the desire to outdo ourselves and conquer new distances flourishes in the runners. Of course, this leap should be made after spending more than one season trying to improve records in shorter races and only if those distances sre truly mastered.

When we talk about mastering a distance we refer to a correct management of the pace throughout the race, being able to push ourselves to the maximum, maintaining a steady pace throughout the race and even having the strength to accelerate close to the end.

If we already have some experience in popular races of 5 and 10 km, the next leap is to tackle races ranging from 15 to 21km. The truth is that it is not very common to find 15k races, so most runners take on the challenge of running a half marathon. That is why it is a trendy distance, because it combines medium and high intensity with endurance capacity, both physical and mental. But the truth is that there are more reasons why everyone wants to run a half marathon. Do you want to know them? We'll tell you about them on RUNNEA.

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What is it about the half marathon that makes everyone want to run it?

We know that not literally all runners want to run a half marathon, since there are athletes who prefer shorter distances and those who prefer longer ones, such as the marathon and the ultra-distance. But what is certain is that the 21k distance is booming, as shown by the multitude of half marathons held nationwide and the high participation numbers.

But what really attracts people to run half marathon after half marathon? Here we explain what we believe to be the 5 main reasons, so don't miss out on the details!

The next step after short distances

This is the most visible and logical reason. Going from 10k to 21k is a natural process that many of us have done or will do in the future. We all remember when we started running and running a few kilometres was already an achievement. Well, once we realise that we are able to overcome the 10km in competition and even training, the desire to conquer new goals, like the half marathon, takes over.

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Of course, moving from one distance to another requires time, patience and, above all, the right approach to training. This transition doesn't happen overnight, but if you progressively increase the volume of kilometres over several weeks and months, you will gradually be able to complete a half marathon with confidence. The first 21k, however, should be enjoyed!

Ideal distance

We could say that the half marathon is the perfect distance, since it combines the feeling of security of being able to finish it if you have trained well with the uncertainty of what will happen, especially in the second part of the race. Let's not forget that 21 kilometres are 21 kilometres. In other words, it's a mixture of conviction and doubt, and this is probably the essence of the distance.

Preparation is crucial for success, but that doesn't exempt us from the fact that the passing kilometres can affect our performance in various ways.

Half marathon, ideal distance

Halfway between medium and high intensity

Although it is a factor that depends on the level and experience of the runner, we can say that the half marathon falls between medium and high intensity. It requires a level of effort sustainable over a few kilometres, even 10, but which becomes more complicated after a certain distance.

The half marathon is not as agonising as a 10k, but neither is it as comfortable in terms of pace as a marathon.

Perhaps the charm of the 21k lies in the fact that it is a mixture of medium-high effort in which we can carry a "lively" pace, but which must be sustained between one hour and two hours, in most cases. That is why pace management and physical and mental endurance will be key to finding the right pace for each runner.

Finishing it is already a major challenge

Although in the era of times and GPS watches it seems that if we do not beat a certain mark our achievements hold no value, the reality is that crossing the finish line of a half marathon is already a feat that not everyone can accomplish, at least without training. The average runner in the pack is capable of finishing a half marathon in at least an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and a half, while slower runners might take up to 2 hours and a half.

If we think about it objectively, the very fact of resisting 21 kilometers running without stopping is an incredible achievement, so although sometimes we forget, we should recognise its value. Many runners love the 21k because it allows them to have the sole objective of being able to cross the finish line, regardless of times or paces. From RUNNEA, we can only say: Bravo!

Half marathon, a chance to travel and see new places

The chance to travel and see new places

Although it is a distance that everyone talks about, it is true that not all geographical areas offer the chance to take part in a half marathon. Although new races are organised every season, most 21k races are concentrated in large cities or in places with a great athletic tradition. Therefore, if they are not held near where you live, it is always a good excuse to travel and get to know new places, either within your country or abroad.

We recommend creating your own calendar of half marathons, selecting several that are held near your place of residence as well as others that are not so close but that you find attractive for their course, crowd, atmosphere, culture or the possibility of including them in your vacations.

If you haven't tried running a half marathon, what are you waiting for?

If you haven't tried running a half marathon, what are you waiting for?

If you've made it this far, it's because you're really interested in everything related to the half marathon. It is possible that you have already participated in one, so this article can serve to increase your motivation for future challenges. However, you may be considering taking the leap. In that case, we recommend that, on the one hand, you evaluate if you have enough experience in shorter distances and, on the other hand, if you are going to have enough time and commitment to train. If the answer is yes, don't hesitate—get to work and we'll see you in a half marathon!

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Lander Azpiazu

Lander Azpiazu

Coach and marathon runner

Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sport. Marathon runner passionate about running in all its facets, both as a runner and as a coach.