10 science-backed tips for overcoming demotivation to go for a run

10 science-backed tips for overcoming demotivation to go for a run
Gorka Cabañas
Gorka Cabañas
Journalist and RUNNEA content director
Posted on 23-03-2023

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Running is a very beneficial physical activity for our health, both physically and mentally. But you already know that. The tricky part, however, is often maintaining the motivation and commitment to go running on a regular basis. Don't worry, in RUNNEA we wanted to list some tips but not those that serve to put nice phrases on Instagram, but backed by scientific studies. We hope they can help you overcome demotivation and stay committed to running.

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11 science-backed tips for overcoming demotivation to go running

Set a realistic training plan

One of the most effective tricks to stay motivated to exercise is to establish a realistic running training plan. According to a study published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise, setting clear, measurable goals can increase motivation and engagement in exercise. It is important that goals are realistic and achievable to avoid frustration and discouragement. So if you're up for it, RUNNEA can help you.

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Find a source of personal motivation

Another tip that works is to find a source of personal motivation. According to a study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, intrinsic motivation, that is, motivation that comes from our own interest and enjoyment in exercise, is more effective at keeping us engaged in sport than extrinsic motivation, such as social pressure or external rewards. So set yourself a personal challenge: Lose a couple of pounds, improve your personal best, get a 30-minute run or get in shape for the summer. And less looking at social media ;).

Exercise libre

11 science-backed tips to beat running discouragement

A study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology found that exercising libre can improve mood and reduce stress levels compared to exercising indoors. Running libre can be a great way to increase motivation and if you try it in the mountains, take it from me you'll be hooked.

Find a training partner

A study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine found that having a workout partner can increase motivation and engagement in exercise. Running with a friend can be a great way to stay motivated and engaged in the sport.

Use tracking apps

11 science-backed tips to beat running discouragement

There are several exercise tracking apps that can help us stay motivated and engaged in the sport. A study published in the journal JMIR mHealth and uHealth found that using exercise tracking apps can increase physical activity and improve exercise adherence.

Incorporates mental visualization exercises

A study published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology found that mental visualization can improve exercise performance and increase motivation and confidence in the sport. Before going for a run, we can visualize ourselves running with ease and enjoying the exercise, which can increase our motivation and engagement.

Use the technique of "the 10-minute rule".

This technique is very effective in overcoming demotivation. It consists of committing to running for just 10 minutes, no matter how tired you feel. If after the first 10 minutes you still don't feel like continuing, you can stop. But most of the time, once you start, you find your rhythm and end up running longer. The study published in the Journal of Health Psychology found that the 10-minute rule can be very effective in overcoming lack of motivation and encouraging lasting exercise habits.

Seek out company

Running with friends or joining running groups can help maintain motivation. A study conducted at Oxford University found that people who run in groups feel less tired and more relaxed than those who run alone.

Keep a training diary

Keeping a log of your progress can help you stay motivated. A study published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology found that athletes who keep a training journal are more likely to achieve their goals.

Run to music or listen to a podcast

11 science-backed tips to beat running discouragement

Running to music or listening to a podcast can be a great way to stay motivated while exercising. There are many studies that have shown the benefits of listening to music or podcasts during exercise. Here are some interesting facts.

A study published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that listening to music during exercise can improve physical performance by up to 15%. In addition, listening to music can reduce perceived exertion and fatigue, allowing us to run longer without feeling as tired.

Another study conducted at the University of Glasgow corroborates that listening to music can improve mood and motivation. Study participants who listened to music during exercise reported feeling more motivated and enjoying exercise more compared to those who did not listen to music.

What if you like listening to podcasts?

But what about podcasts? A study published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise found that listening to podcasts during exercise can also be beneficial. Study participants who listened to podcasts while exercising reported feeling less fatigue and more distraction compared to those who listened to nothing.

In addition, podcasts can be a great way to learn something new while exercising. You can listen to an educational or news podcast while you run, which can make the time go by faster and keep you entertained.

However, it is important to note that the choice of music or podcast is crucial. A good choice of music or podcast can increase motivation and performance, while a poor choice can have the opposite effect. It is also important to maintain a safe volume to avoid ear damage.

In summary, demotivation is a common problem among popular runners, but there are many science-based strategies to overcome it. Whether it's changing your routine, incorporating strength training, setting realistic goals or using mental motivation techniques, there's something for everyone. At the end of the day, it's important to remember why you started running in the first place and find ways to maintain that motivation. With these tips, you can beat demotivation and continue to enjoy the benefits of running.

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Gorka Cabañas

Gorka Cabañas

Journalist and RUNNEA content director

Director of contents at RUNNEA. Graduate in Information Sciences from the University of the Basque Country. He has worked at El Mundo Deportivo, Grupo Vocento (El Correo) and collaborated for several specialized sports publications.