The best carbohydrates to gain muscle mass healthily

The best carbohydrates to gain muscle mass healthily
Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 12-04-2024

Maintaining good muscle tone is crucial not only for athletes, including runners, but for anyone aiming for a healthy and active lifestyle. The benefits extend beyond the physical to overall health and well-being.

We discussed this topic with Dr. Giulia Roccatello, a dietician and expert in sports diets, who emphasized the importance of good muscle tone for runners and the role of carbohydrates in achieving this. She explained the optimal sources and timing for carbohydrate consumption to build muscle mass healthily.

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Why it is important to maintain a good muscle mass

Giulia first illustrates the importance of maintaining good muscle mass, emphasizing the benefits it brings to our physical and mental well-being.

  • The presence of metabolically active muscle tissue contributes to maintaining metabolism, burning calories (even at rest), which facilitates the maintenance of a healthy body weight and counteracts fat accumulation.
  • Good muscle mass is also crucial for maintaining strength and physical endurance, necessary not only for daily activities, but also for sports performance and preventing injuries.
  • It also contributes to improving insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control, which is essential in the prevention and management of conditions such as type 2 diabetes.
  • Finally, maintaining good muscle mass often leads to improved posture and a general sense of well-being, as muscles support the skeletal structures of the body, contributing to stability and preventing muscle pain and postural problems.

I migliori carboidrati per mantenere la massa muscolare nel running

The benefits of quality muscle mass for running

Having good muscle mass helps improve performance, but it can also reduce the risk of injury.

In the case of running, body composition and in particular muscle mass in proportion to weight, play a key role. Giulia explains that what is important is not so much the quantity of muscle as its quality.

Those who run medium, long or very long distances usually have muscle mass that is not excessively developed, but high performance. In this context, providing the muscle with the right amount of carbohydrates is crucial.

Having a good muscle mass has the following advantages for runners:

  • Improved strength, endurance and overall performance: Although running is primarily an aerobic activity, muscle mass helps provide the strength and endurance needed to maintain a sustained effort. The quadriceps, glutes, and calves, are especially important for pushing and supporting the body during running. The stronger they are, the more power and speed they will provide.
  • Injury prevention: Running overloads joints and soft tissues. Having strong muscles helps protect joints and reduces the risk of injuries such as muscle tears, strains and overstretching injuries.
  • Stability and control: The core muscles (abdominals, lumbar, gluteal) are crucial for maintaining body stability during running. Good muscle mass in these areas improves movement control and reduces the risk of posture and stability-related injuries.
  • Faster recovery: Well-developed muscles can promote faster recovery after exercise, reducing the risk of muscle fatigue and soreness after training.
  • Metabolism: Muscle mass helps metabolism, which helps control weight in the long run.

I migliori carboidrati per mantenere la massa muscolare nella corsa

The Importance of Carbohydrates in Muscle Building

When we talk about muscle building, we often think of protein, but we should not forget the importance of carbohydrates. Giulia explains why with an easy-to-understand example:

Protein is the brick with which we build the muscle building. If I have many bricks in the building site, but I don't have a bricklayer who can join them together, these bricks will be useless. Carbohydrates are the bricklayer, i.e. the labourer that does the building of my muscle.

Here's why carbohydrates are important:

  • They provide energy: Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy, especially during exercise. Energy from carbohydrates allows you to sustain intense training and achieve high performance, which is crucial for stimulating muscle growth.
  • They conserve protein: During aerobic training, carbohydrate reserves are mainly used. When these are no longer sufficient, the body starts protein catabolism- it begins to break down the proteins inside the muscle to obtain the energy it needs. Therefore, a lack of carbohydrates causes a decrease in muscle tone and a deterioration in performance.
  • They help muscle repair: After a workout, muscles need time to repair and grow. Carbohydrates help replenish muscle glycogen stores depleted during exercise and provide the energy substrate necessary for muscle protein synthesis.

The best carbohydrates to maintain muscle mass in running

The best sources of carbohydrates to increase muscle mass

Speaking of carbohydrate intake in general terms of healthy eating, Giulia explains complex carbohydrates, such as those found in whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, are preferable over simple carbohydrates, such as refined sugars and processed sweets. Complex carbohydrates, among other things, allow a more gradual and long-term absorption of energy and have a low glycemic index that does not favour the storage of fat mass.

  • Whole grains: quinoa, brown rice, spelt and oats are rich in essential nutrients that promote muscle growth.
  • Legumes : beans, lentils and chickpeas provide a combination of protein and carbohydrates, ideal for muscle repair.
  • Fruits and vegetables: bananas, sweet potatoes, spinach and other colorful vegetables are sources of simple and complex carbohydrates, as well as being rich in antioxidants that promote muscle recovery.
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However, during training and prolonged efforts, it is advisable to take simple carbohydrates, such as fruit jelly or gels with maltodextrins, which provide immediately available energy, and have the advantage of not overloading the digestive system, as they are low in fibre.

The best carbohydrates to maintain muscle mass for running energetic gels

When and how to consume carbohydrates

To maximize the benefits of carbohydrates in muscle development, it is important to plan your intake strategically. Here are some ideas for tasty, easy-to-prepare, carbohydrate-rich dishes for before, during and after training (and throughout the rest of the day):


You need complex carbohydrates a few hours before training to ensure adequate energy intake:

  • Porridge with fresh fruit: prepare porridge with milk or nut milk and add slices of banana, strawberries and dried fruit for an energy boost.
  • Whole-grain toast with avocado: Spread avocado on a slice of whole-grain bread and add tomato slices for a light but nutritious snack.

During your workout:

For prolonged or intense sessions, it is advisable to supplement energy with simple carbohydrates which are absorbed very quickly by the intestine, and provide immediate energy without overloading the digestive system. The best sources are:

  • Dried fruit: carry a bag of dried fruit with you for a light, carbohydrate-rich snack during training: dates, dried figs, chestnuts, mangoes, apricots, ginger, etc.
  • Energy gels: These are mainly composed of simple carbohydrates such as glucose, fructose and maltodextrin, often with other active ingredients such as caffeine, amino acids and electrolytes.


In the 30 minutes post-workout, consume carbohydrates along with protein to optimise muscle synthesis and recovery. Here are a couple of tasty ideas:

  • Smoothie with fruit and spinach: Blend milk or nut milk with protein powder, a banana, a handful of spinach and a handful of assorted fruit for a delicious and nutritious post-workout smoothie.
  • Quinoa salad with vegetables: Prepare a quinoa salad with peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and black olives, dressed with olive oil and lemon, for a light, carbohydrate-rich post-workout meal.

During the day:

  • Chickpea hummus with crudités: Serve with carrot sticks, celery, peppers and other crunchy vegetables for a healthy, carb-rich snack.
  • Bean Burrito: Wrap black beans, brown rice, avocado and vegetables in a whole wheat tortilla for a balanced lunch or dinner.

Experiment with these ideas and tailor the recipes to your personal preferences and nutritional goals. Be sure to maintain a proper balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat to optimize performance and muscle recovery.

The best carbohydrates to maintain muscle mass in running


If you want to gain muscle mass, don't underestimate the role of carbohydrates. Choosing nutritious carbohydrate sources and planning your carbohydrate intake strategically can make all the difference in your training routine.

It should be noted that each individual has specific needs that depend on a variety of factors, such as lifestyle, illness or genetic characteristics.

To achieve your sports or health goals, we recommend that you consult a professional to develop a personalised dietary plan.

The best carbohydrates to maintain muscle mass for running Giulia Roccatello Dietician

Dr. Giulia Roccatello is from Bologna, Italy. 

You can contact her at the following links:

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