How to keep your nails intact while running

How to keep your nails intact while running
Amaia Cabezudo
Amaia Cabezudo
Digital Marketing and Comunication
Posted on 20-06-2023

One of the most frustrating problems for runners is the deterioration of toenails. The sense of accomplishment for completing a race can be marred by the discomfort and worry caused by damaged toenails.

Nail decay in runners is a common problem, especially over long distances and in those who do intesive running. It is estimated that a significant proportion of runners experience some form of toenail damage at some point in their running. Therefore, it is important to take preventive care measures to minimise the risk of damage and maintain comfort.

In this article, we will explore the reasons behind nail damage during running, and provide tips to prevent and repair these injuries, helping runners maintain satisfaction and comfort during their workouts.

Why do nails break down during running?

Repetitive stress and pressure on the feet during running can lead to various toenail problems. Here are some of the most common reasons for nail damage:

  • Trauma from impact with the front of the shoe during running
  • Badly cut toenails that can rub against the shoe and cause friction
  • Improper footwear, either because of a poor fit or because they are too small
  • Repetitive injuries such as black nail syndrome or thickening of the nails due to constant pressure or friction

Tips to prevent nail deterioration

Prevention is key to keep your toenails in good condition while running. Here are some useful tips:

Proper footwear

As you already know, it is essential for us is to wear shoes that are specifically designed for running and that fit the size and shape of your feet correctly. When purchasing new running shoes you should make sure you have enough room in the toe box to avoid excessive friction.

Not sure which shoe to choose?

In a few simple steps we help you to choose the ideal running shoe for you.


Proper nail trimming

Cut your nails straight across, avoiding rounded corners, to prevent ingrown or snagged nails. Keep your nails at an appropriate length to avoid excessive rubbing against your shoes, so that they extend slightly beyond the tip of your toes, but not too far over.

Appropriate socks

Choose quality athletic socks that wick moisture and reduce friction. Socks made of breathable material help keep feet dry and minimise the risk of blisters and injuries.

Keep your feet dry

After running, be sure to dry your feet thoroughly, paying special attention to the spaces between your toes. Excessive moisture can weaken your nails and increase the risk of fungal infections.

Tips to repair damaged nails

Is it too late and your toenails are already damaged? Here are some tips for repairing toenails that are already damaged:

Soak in warm water

Fill a container with warm water and add a little salt or mild disinfectant. Soak your feet in this solution for about 15-20 minutes to help soften the nails and reduce inflammation.

Trim carefully

If there are any loose or chipped parts in your nails, trim them carefully using clean, sharp nail scissors. Remember to cut the nails straight across to avoid ingrown nails.

Apply antiseptic

After soaking and trimming the nails, apply a mild antiseptic to the damaged areas to prevent infection and promote proper healing.

Avoid nail polish and chemicals

During the repair process, avoid applying nail polish or other chemicals that may obstruct the nails' ability to heal properly.

Rest and ventilation

Allow your feet to breathe and rest without shoes whenever possible. Wearing sandals or open-toed shoes during the healing process can help reduce pressure on the nails and speed up recovery.

Consult a professional

If the damage to your nails is severe or if you experience persistent pain, inflammation or infection, you may want to consult a podiatrist or foot doctor. They will be able to provide you with an accurate diagnosis and specific treatment recommendations.

Remember that everyone is different and these tips are general. It is always important to pay attention to the individual needs of your feet and seek the advice of a healthcare professional if you have persistent concerns or problems.

With proper care and following these tips, you can keep your toenails healthy while enjoying your running.

Read more news about: Sports Injuries

Amaia Cabezudo

Amaia Cabezudo

Digital Marketing and Comunication