We test the Galius Pre-Competition Gel

We test the Galius Pre-Competition Gel
Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 20-01-2015

Galius is an innovative company that offers effective solutions to high-level athletes and sports enthusiasts to optimize their performance and improve their health, prevention and beauty through its three product lines:

Galius Sport: they prevent injuries, optimize sports massage and recovery and take care of your musculature before and after each training or competition.
Galius Sun: through its sunscreen creams and aftersun protect your skin from solar radiation and keep it in an optimal state of hydration after hours of training or competition.
Galius Dermo: offers everything an athlete's skin needs through its anti-stretch marks, firming and wrinkle-correcting gels and creams.

Increasingly, athletes are aware of the importance of caring for the largest organ of our body, the skin. It is our external armor and is in constant contact with the environment. But for it to fulfill its elastic and barrier function, it needs a correct percentage of water in its different layers or dermis. Although sweating allows us to moisturize the most superficial layers of the skin, our sporting activities are a continuous aggression to our skin. Dehydration and skin irritation are caused by the wind and the sun that we receive when running or cycling, the chemical agents used to treat the water in swimming pools, hair removal, the carcinogenic effects of ultraviolet sun rays, the continuous fluctuation between vasodilation and vasoconstriction to maintain our body temperature at 37°C, despite external atmospheric agents and the increase in body temperature due to physical activity, the mechanical friction of our sports equipment (shorts, wetsuits,...).

Therefore, if you do not already do so, include in your sports habits, prevention routines, care and hydration of your skin. It will allow you to maintain an optimal state of health of the same. And even if it does not directly affect your sporting performance, the better the general health of your body, the better your performance will be.

Go for Galius Pre-Competition Gel

It is made from Carnitine, Aloe Vera gel and Hammamelis extract. Galius sells it in 200 and 100 ml bottles. And it is especially indicated when there is not enough time to correctly perform the warm-up exercises and a quick warm-up is required. It should be applied before exercise with an energetic and short massage on the muscular area directly involved in the exercise. The heat effect is achieved in a few seconds.

OUR OPINION: it is an ideal complement to the sports warm-up when this is not completed in an optimal way, with low temperatures or when the subsequent training or competition has a high physical demand from the beginning.

At no time can you think that the gel is a substitute for a good warm-up. The proper warm-up should last about 10-15 minutes and should include joint mobility exercises, stretching (better active and dynamic), cardiovascular activation and muscle activation.

In addition to increasing the heart and respiratory rate, its objective is to increase vasodilation and muscle temperature, which predisposes the muscle to a more efficient contraction, since it increases the supply of nutrients and the output of waste products and favors the contraction-relaxation mechanism of the muscle fibers. Don't forget that warming up not only prepares you physically for physical effort, but also prepares you psychologically for it. And the gel does not achieve this.

We have found that the gel spreads and absorbs easily and that its local heat effect is immediately noticeable. Apply it to the muscles particularly involved in the exercise you are going to perform. Better in the direction of the muscle fibers and with more pressure in the direction of the heart (you will also be promoting venous return). Do not worry if you notice some reddening of the skin, it is due to the vasodilator effect and the heat it produces.

It will soon disappear. Be careful if you have any wound, you should not administer it on it and wash your hands well after applying it so as not to accidentally take it on any mucous membrane (eyes, lips, nostrils, ...) I also particularly liked that its composition is 100% based on natural products.

How much does it cost?

It obviously depends on the size you buy but you can get it from less than 11€.

To sum up... Do I need it?

So, the Galius Sport pre-competition gel will help you to complete your warm-up, to give that last touch of quality to your preparation for the demanding training of the week or for that competition you have been preparing for months, especially with low temperatures or when you have not been able to do a warm-up as complete as you would have liked.

Read more news about: Sports Injuries



Redacción RUNNEA Team

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