Running shoes reviews by Unatx Fiel

Unatx Fiel

Unatx Fiel

Run Tester

Unatx Fiel, 26 years old. Lover of sport since he was a child. Passionate about long-term challenges and obtaining results to show a better version of myself. Trail running became more than a discipline for me, being now part of my life. In this way, I find it hard to say "NO" to the challenge that is put in front of me.

5 reviews. Showing from 1 to 5.
New Balance FuelCell Summit Unknown v4

New Balance Fuelcell Summit Unknown v4, balanced design for fast running on aggressive terrain


Merrell Trail Glove 7

Merrel Trail Glove 7 Gore-Tex, the perfect shoe to feel every step of the terrain


Mizuno Wave Rider TT 3

Mizuno Wave Rider TT 3, its design hides more than it shows for performance purposes.


Saucony Kinvara 14

Saucony Kinvara 14 do not have a plate, but do not disappoint in their responsiveness and lightness


ASICS Superblast

ASICS Superblast, maximalist, non-carbon plate shoes for very fast running
