Running after 40: pros and cons to consider

Running after 40: pros and cons to consider
Amaia Cabezudo
Amaia Cabezudo
Digital Marketing and Comunication
Posted on 01-06-2023

Running continues to be fashionable and we are seeing more and more people taking up running shoes at almost any age. But it is from the age of 40 onwards that we see more and more people taking up running. Running can be an excellent way to keep fit, improve cardiovascular and mental health and, of course, increase longevity. However, it is also important to be aware of the potential challenges and risks that running can present. At RUNNEA we will tell you everything you need to know to make running over 40 a part of your routine.

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Physical benefits of running after 40

Running after 40: The pros and cons you should consider

Running on a regular basis can help you control your weight, since it is an activity that helps you burn calories in a very efficient way. In addition, it can prevent or improve different health conditions, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. Running also improves cognitive function and reduces the risk of death.

In addition, running can improve muscle strength and endurance, which is especially important as we get older. Running can also help improve sleep quality, which often gets worse as we age.

Mental benefits of running after 40

Running is not only beneficial for the body, but also for the mind. It can help improve your mood and reduce anxiety. Running regularly can make you feel happier, more relaxed and less anxious. It can also improve your self-esteem and confidence.

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Running and social life

Running after 40: The pros and cons to consider

Running can also be a social activity. You can join a running group or participate in local races. This can help you connect with other people and enjoy physical activity in a more social way.

Challenges and risks of running after 40

While running has many benefits, there are also challenges and risks to be aware of, especially for those who start running after 40.

Risk of injury: As we age, our bodies become more susceptible to injury. Muscles, tendons and ligaments are not as elastic as they used to be, which can increase the risk of injuries related to running. In addition, recovery from injuries can take longer as we age.

Decreased bone density: Starting at age 30, bone density begins to decrease. Running is a high-impact sport that can put stress on bones and joints. If you already have low bone density, running can increase the risk of fractures.

Heart conditions: While running can be beneficial for the health of your heart, it can also put stress on the heart, especially if you already have heart problems. It is important to get a doctor's approval before starting a running program, especially if you are over 40.

Joint wear and tear: Running can cause wear and tear on your joints, especially your knees and hips. This can lead to long-term problems such as osteoarthritis.

Need for proper warm-up and cool-down: According to the Mayo Clinic, it is important to perform a proper warm-up and cool-down before and after running. This can help reduce stress on the heart and other muscles. However, it can add time to your exercise routine.

Tips to start running after 40

Running after 40: The pros and cons you should consider

If you're considering taking up running after 40, here are some tips:

Start slow: You don't need to run a marathon to feel like a runner. Do you know about the Simply Run concept? RUNNEA has already told you about its benefits. Run for pleasure, without rushing, run with the objective of enjoying the activity just for the sake of it.

Listen to your body: If you feel pain or discomfort while running, it is important to stop and rest. There is no greater frustration than starting something and having to stop at the drop of a hat, especially if it is due to an injury.

Do it regularly: Try to run on a regular basis, it doesn't have to be every day, but several times a week. Consistency is key to see benefits.

Have fun: Running should be an activity you enjoy. Getting a taste for running is not easy. And the main issue is wanting to go too fast. The choking, suffocating feeling is quite unpleasant, so start out very light. Find a way to make running fun for you, whether it's running in beautiful places, listening to music or podcasts while you run, or running with friends. You can also try the audiorunning sessions on the RUNNEA app. They are free and you will run listening to our coaches and the best current music.

Running after 40: The pros and cons to consider

Running after 40 can be a great way to improve your physical and mental health. No matter your age, it's never too late to start running and enjoy the benefits that this activity can bring to your life. However, it is important to be aware of the potential challenges and risks, and it is always best to talk to a health professional before beginning any new exercise plan.

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Amaia Cabezudo

Amaia Cabezudo

Digital Marketing and Comunication