Why are the other runners faster than me?

Why are the other runners faster than me?
Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 27-07-2016

Don't get frustrated. There is always someone in your training group who runs faster than you. And if it's not your group it happens in the races you participate in. In this article you are going to discover a reality that I hope won't discourage you...

Training is not the only way to get faster. There are many other factors. One of them, the invisible training, has already been discussed in Runnea.com by Antonio Bores. If you want to know more about how to improve your performance with some simple daily guidelines read the article HERE.

The other cause is due to genetic difference. So you're going to have to get used to the idea. The ability to perform in long distance races depends largely on how you are genetically endowed. Physical training and invisible training are going to influence a percentage of the final result. But keep in mind that what I just told you, there is a percentage that you can't control.

What genetic differences do we have?

Why other runners are faster than me

People who are genetically better prepared for endurance sports have more type I or slow twitch muscle fibers than others. This type of fibers help them to capture oxygen in a more efficient and effective way so they fatigue later.

On the other hand, athletes who are better equipped for strength or speed sports have more type II or faster contraction muscle fib ers. In other words, they generate a more explosive muscular contraction but fatigue sooner.

The key to improvement through physical training lies in the third type of muscle fibers that the human body has. These are type II fibers. A mixture of the first and the second, which can be modified through training.

If we would like to give an example of an athlete in which type I fibers predominate, we can see it in the African long-distance athletes. Very thin, they almost give the impression of having hardly any muscle. On the other hand, sprint athletes of 100, 200 meters or even 400 meters have more muscle mass, with a predominance of type II fibers.

So what do I do?

Online running coach

You have no choice but to keep training, but now you always have an excuse when your training partner beats you, and that is to tell him that he has not so much merit because he is genetically better endowed than you ;)

Anyway our advice is to start applying Antonio Bores' advice and invisible training.

You can also put yourself in the hands of a team of professional trainers and nutritionists who will help you improve in a healthy way. At Runnea.com we have RUNNEA CADEMY, a training app in which a team of coaches and nutritionists led by proven coaches like Arturo Casado (elite athletes coach and former professional athlete European 1500m Champion) will help you achieve your goals. Not only with personalized training and a coach at your disposal, but also with a team of nutritionists and an academy with exclusive content and a community of athletes like you with whom to share training and experiences.

Read more news about: Running Training



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