6 exercises you can do when you have your period

6 exercises you can do when you have your period
Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 12-09-2023

Are you feeling tired and fatigued, do you have muscle aches and feel a general malaise throughout your body? Yes, the time has come. That punctual moment of the month that we women hate so much is here. True to its appointment, your period pays you the usual visit, and the first thing you want to do is to do nothing, relaxing on the couch and without anyone bothering you. But contrary to what you think, physical activity can be your great ally to relieve those annoying and unpleasant symptoms. And I'm not telling you that, but there are studies on the subject that certify it.

As you well know, when you exercise, you release endorphins, and these can work as a natural painkiller for your own body. In addition, these endorphins contribute to elevate your mood, shaking off that regret and those depressive symptoms.

General recommendations before exercising

It is common sense that during the menstrual cycle, sports practice must be adapted to the needs of your own body. That is, you should set a suitable intensity, duration and frequency. Take it easy, and if the discomfort is strong, do not hesitate to stop, and take several days of rest.

If you opt for shorter sessions, and reduce their intensity, you will not only feel physically better, but you will also notice that well-being on a psychological level. In addition, the social aspect is also another factor that will help you feel good, since doing the exercises in the company of other friends will allow you to reverse those negative perceptions.


From going for a run, walking or even getting on the elliptical bike at the gym. All of these activities will serve to release endorphins. But cardiovascular exercise also helps to increase blood flow throughout the body, and getting that flow to the areas where you have discomfort can be beneficial. As I have already indicated, keep in mind the intensity and duration of the exercise, and try to adjust it to how you feel in those moments.


As long as the pain of the menstrual cycle is not incapacitating, swimming a few lengths in the pool can be the right exercise to relieve discomfort. Swimming is a low-impact sport for the joints, decreases back strain and improves blood circulation.

Yoga or Pilates

The deep breathing achieved with the practice of yoga or Pilates allows you to relax the lower back and all the muscles of the body, including those of the pelvic area and uterus, which can relieve the pain associated with the period. In a scientific study, dated 2013, a group of women practiced yoga on a regular basis, in sessions of 40 minutes a day for six days a week. The result not only highlighted the increase in the general well-being of these women, but also managed to reduce the feeling of anxiety and depressive symptoms.

Stretching sessions

As a good athlete you will already know that stretching is beneficial for lengthening muscles and also for reducing the risk of muscle cramps. The simple movement of bending your knees to your chest is a great exercise to soothe the back pain that comes with your period. For the stretches to be effective you should hold them for 20 to 30 seconds, executing them slowly and steadily, as well as maintaining proper breathing.


High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is going to be the most effective method for fat loss during the menstrual cycle than at any other time of the month. And this is because when women are on their periods, estrogen levels drop, making it easier to access carbohydrates and glycogen. Thus, the hormonal change that produces the period is an ideal time that can be used to take advantage of this type of intense workouts, compared when estrogen levels are higher. And remember that you can always do it, if menstrual cramps are 'bearable'.

Dancing or Zumba

Yes, at that time, your mood is not the best to jump up and down and dance. But moving to the rhythm of music, either in a Zumba class or listening to music without leaving the house, will help lift your mood, but you will also get to burn calories and increase the flexibility of your joints.

So, to the question you are asking yourself: can I exercise when I have my period? The answer is a resounding "YES". You just have to find the activity with which you feel most comfortable, and adapt the intensity to your physical condition, and, next time, you will tell us what exercise you have done, and if it has been good for you.

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