Running shoes reviews by Verónica Martín

Verónica Martín

Verónica Martín

Marathon and road runner

My name is Veronica Martin, I started running 6 years ago. I used to go out for a walk, see the runners and I felt suddenly a crazy desire to follow them. For some reason I knew I was going to enjoy it and I did. One day I left the embarrassment behind and started running. I bought my first shoes because they were pretty and I soon discovered that they were also small. I like to train, to suffer, to improve myself. I have been evolving, learning, falling in love with this sport. I like the bibs, the personal challenges. I have run a marathon, and many half marathons. I'm a road runner but I also hear the calling of the mountains so I'm starting to love them too. Running is part of my life.

1 review. Showing from 1 to 1.
New Balance Fuelcell Propel v4

New Balance FuelCell Propel v4, a recommended option as a single shoe for different types of training
