Hyaluronic Acid, Properties and its 10 Benefits

Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 08-03-2017

Let's talk about the properties of hyaluronic acid. As you know some trends sweep through the beauty industry, new ingredients have the opportunity to step into the spotlight as the latest skincare must-have for everyone. But many of these trends are fleeting, they come and go. Hyaluronic acid is one element that has stood the test of time, but do you know what it is? What are its properties? Does it have side effects?

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a glycosaminoglycan, a polysaccharide (essentially a very large sugar). It occurs naturally in connective tissue throughout our bodies, 50 percent of which is found in our skin.

It is one of the main components of our extracellular matrix (the framework in which our skin cells sit) and also plays an important role in moisture retention. However, as we age, the natural production of hyaluronic acid decreases. It's no surprise therefore that major beauty brands are using hyaluronic acid in serums and creams.

Hyaluronic acid was firstused commercially in 1942 when Endre Balazs applied for a patent to use it as a substitute for egg white in bakery products, until that time no other molecule had been discovered that had such unique properties for the human body as hyaluronic acid, Balazs became an expert on the subject and it was he who made most of the discoveries about the benefits of hyaluronic acid.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid

Benefits of hyaluronic acid in the body:

This viscous gel is one of the most widely researched substances in medicine today, with miles trials mostly in the campo of orthopedics and eye surgery. Its function in the human body is, among other things, to bind water and lubricate moving parts of the body, such as joints and muscles. It helps maintain normal cushioning of the joints.

The human body possesses approximately 15 grams of hyaluronic acid, a third of which is degraded and synthesized every day.

The main functions of hyaluronic acid in the body include binding, supporting, protecting and insulating, it is present in tendons and ligaments, it is part of the body's connective tissue, scalp tissue and hair follicles; which is why it plays an important role when you want to keep your scalp hydrated. In addition, the fluid in the eye called vitreous humor is composed almost entirely of hyaluronic acid, acts as a shock absorber for the eye and also serves to transport nutrients into the eye.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid for the skin:

As we age the moisture in the skin can significantly decrease, causing the skin to lose elasticity and become exposed to signs of aging in the skin. Hyaluronic acid plays a critical role in skin health with its unique ability to maintain moisture.

Hyaluronic acid is a smart nutrient, as it can adjust its rate of moisture absorption depending on seasonal relative humidity and climate.

Its consistency allows it to also be beneficial in skin care products as an excellent moisturizer, it can be described as "nature's moisturizer".

Another benefit of hyaluronic acid is for the lips, the lips are muscles covered by skin, the dermal layer of the lips is composed mainly of connective tissue and collagen (they serve to give shape and roundness to the lips) hyaluronic acid binds to water and creates a gel-like liquid that hydrates the surrounding tissue and keeps the collagen nourished and healthy. The result is well hydrated lips that are protected from the environment.

Top 10 proven properties of hyaluronic acid


Able to hold up to 1000 times its molecular weight in water, hyaluronic acid penetrates the skin and binds skin cells to water, infusing all layers of the skin with valuable, rejuvenating moisture.


After giving the epidermis that moisture, hyaluronic acid continues to control moisture from the surrounding environment to provide long-lasting hydration benefits.

Lipid barrier enhancement

Hyaluronic acid strengthens the skin's natural barriers to lock in moisture for an even more dramatic hydrating effect.

Increased resilience

By improving the skin's natural barriers, the skin is better able to defend itself against environmental factors and pollutants.

Smoother skin tone

As it replenishes skin with moisture, hyaluronic acid tightens the overall complexion and firms facial contours for a more youthful appearance.

Smoother texture

Just as it smoothes skin, it also softens skin texture for a silky smooth finish you can see and feel.

Fine lines and wrinkles less visible

Hyaluronic acid reduces the size and visibility of fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating skin cells that produce collagen and elastin, two fibers that contribute to skin elasticity.

Stimulates skin cell regeneration

In addition to stimulating the skin's production of collagen cells, hyaluronic acid promotes skin cell regeneration to create healthy, vibrant skin.


A description of hyaluronic acid would not be fair without mentioning its ability to reduce and prevent age spots and pigmentation problems.


By promoting proper moisture balance in the skin, hyaluronic acid prevents the overproduction of oil that clogs pores and leads to acne breakouts or comedones.

Types of hyaluronic acid products

Topical Cream

Unlike collagen, hyaluronic acid is able to penetrate the upper layers of the skin to improve and benefit the skin when applied topically. Hyaluronic acid is a major component of the skin, benefiting tissue repair and protection. When applied in a cream or serum, hyaluronic acid forms an air-permeable layer and penetrates the dermis, thereby increasing skin elasticity and hydration.

It is important when purchasing this type of product to avoid those containing alcohol, parabens, sulfates or other ingredients that are harmful to the skin. Most "hyaluronic acid serums" contain preservatives that counteract the benefits of hyaluronic acid.

Get your Hyaluronic Acid Serum HERE


It can be consumed as an oral supplement, as it plays a critical role in the production of collagen, the most abundant protein in the body, collagen is essential for the skin because it supports the skin's structure. As the body's collagen decreases the appearance of wrinkles and discoloration become more visible. Hyaluronic acid keeps collagen synthesis going as well as moisture retention in the skin, contributing to the anti-aging benefits of the skin.


From around the age of 35, the production of hyaluronic acid in our body starts to decline, leading to the appearance of signs of aging and loss of firmness, mainly in the facial skin. Treatments by means of hyaluronic acid injections are effective because the injections are placed exactly in the points that the face needs and the frequency or amount of treatment required can be customized to the needs of each person.

The main applications of this acid are the following:

  • Define the contour of the lips and diminish the wrinkles that occur in the corners of the lips.
  • To provide volume to the face and cheekbone area.
  • Achieve smoother lips by reducing the amount of wrinkles on the lips.
  • Diminish the appearance of expression lines in the nose area.
  • Eliminate the famous "crow's feet".

These specific treatments are achieved through hyaluronic acid injections which must be performed by a professional. It is important to be informed about the reputation of the clinic or esthetics and the preparation of the person who will perform the treatment, as well as to verify the product that will be used on the skin.

Whether in creams, supplements or injections, the benefits of hyaluronic acid for the appearance of our skin are indisputable and a large number of studies over the years support this conclusion.

If you are one of those who still do not dare to go to the clinic, including a hyaluronic acid supplement is an excellent alternative that will help you, not only to obtain its properties in skin care, but also to improve the condition of joints and muscles, an important detail when we have passed three decades of age.

Try hyaluronic acid, a treatment that will help you maintain a more luminous and smooth skin.

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