Does a genetic test help to become better runners?

Does a genetic test help to become better runners?
Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 13-12-2017

Runnea has visited Nutrición3g in Pamplona, to perform a genetic test and explain what it consists of. We explain in what aspects can be useful to the running enthusiast to have their genetic information.

Our performance as running enthusiasts is the result of many factors, some are acquired throughout our sporting life through experiences and training, and on the other hand is "that genetic load" that is inherited from our parents and that we have from the time of birth

Thus, on the one hand we have the "adaptation to the environment" that is achieved by the effort made under external factors such as the improvements in performance that we experience day after day with training, such as muscle definition as a result of miles kilometers of running, more or less large modifications that are not inherited. And on the other hand, we have the factor that concerns us in this article, which is genetics, which does not determine us but is subject to how we interact with the environment. By this I mean that no matter how good genetic potential we inherit, if we do not train properly, if we do not take care of our diet, if we do not accumulate miles hours of effort, sports performance goes up in smoke.

As we will see, knowing the information stored in our genes can help us to correct or reduce the probability of suffering from certain diseases, improving our diet by being able to personalize it.

Do our genes determine the probability of suffering from a disease or make us assimilate one type of food better than others? Or, on the contrary, are healthy habits and hours of training the real protagonists of our performance as runners?

Who has not ever heard "you run like your father...", comments that we have heard from our acquaintances are irrefutable facts that certain patterns and even behaviors, we inherit and are genetically determined.

Surely we have also heard comments such as "you can eat anything and not get fat..." or "you are what you eat... "The possibilities of improving our health and sports performance through "personalized nutrition" are very attractive to all athletes. Nutrigenomics shows that our genes have a lot to do with the particular way our body reacts to what we eat. But also conversely, it shows how food affects our genes. Genetic research makes it possible to adopt a number of practical applications to improve it according to the particular genetic makeup.

About DNA

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all living organisms and is responsible for their hereditary transmission. The main function of the DNA molecule is the storage of information to build other components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules that transfer vital information during the production of proteins needed by the cell for life.

Within our DNA is the information for the synthesis, organization and maintenance of all the structures of our organism. In general, DNA is similar among different people and varies only about 0.1% of its sequence. However, this small difference makes possible the great diversity that exists among us, modulating differences that are visible to the naked eye, such as height, eye color or skin color. For these and other more important aspects, such as the probability of suffering from a disease or knowing how we metabolize a certain food, substance or nutrient, knowing the genetic composition is of interest.

These genetic differences, technically called "polymorphisms" cause alterations in proteins that act as receptors, or enzymes that alter metabolism, and can affect the way we respond to a certain training or assimilate a certain nutrient better or worse.

What is a genetic test?

 genetic test to be better runners

It is an analysis of a sample of your body that is analyzed to detect polymorphisms or specific DNA changes, which have been shown to be related to interindividual differences in sports and nutrition.

In this way, this test makes it possible to know which variables each individual possesses in each polymorphism, and with this, to offer each person unique information that had remained hidden until now, "their own genetic information."

What is nutrigenomics?

It consists of the study of the effect of nutrients or nutritional supplements on the expression of genes according to the genotype and phenotype of each person, with the aim of improving their health and well-being, as well as preventing diseases. Gene expression" determines the production of proteins involved in cell growth, tissue repair and function, and is modified according to the food ingested.

This technology in genetic research developed years ago now sees its applications in the field of nutrition having a significant impact on the understanding of the relationship between food and health.

Nutrigenetics is a branch of nutritional genomics that aims to study the different genetic variants of individuals that influence nutrient metabolism, diet and disease. An example of this is the study of the microbiome. The concept of "Human Microbiota", in English "Human Gutome", corresponds to those microorganisms located in the intestine that are related to diet and make us susceptible or resistant to diseases. Certain genetic variants and the high consumption of sugars or fat have altered the energy/pleasure neurocircuitry creating an addiction to "junk" food. This alteration in the gut biosis generates inflammation and a negative emotional state that allows chronic diseases such as obesity and/or type 2 diabetes. In Runnea we are preparing a test on probiotics and sport that we will publish soon, and we anticipate is a topic of great interest to all ....

To perform a genetic analysis specialized in nutrition Runnea has gone to Nutrition 3G, in Pamplona.

3G Nutrition

Nutritional test

Company formed by a group of biologists and nutritionists specialized in nutrigenetics, they have extensive research experience and offer their genetic analysis services to prevent and help improve the health of their customers through personalized nutrition.

We were with Javier Campión, scientific manager of N3G, he has a PhD in Biological Sciences with more than 20 years of experience in scientific research (Complutense University, Karolinska Institute and University of Navarra) related to Molecular Biology, Epigenetics and Nutrigenomics. He explains that his company specializes in genetic analysis with the aim of personalizing the client's diet to improve their health and prevent certain diseases.

Javier tells us that "with a simple test we can find out what your DNA says about you and give you specific recommendations according to your characteristics and start preventing from today the diseases you could develop in the future".

Basically, what Nutrition3G offers are nutritional recommendations based on the genetic pattern of each of us, with the aim of improving health and quality of life through personalized dietary guidelines. "The information we obtain gives us your genetic predisposition to suffer from a series of diseases related to aging, which allows us to design personalized dietary guidelines to help you prevent them."

The kit can be purchased through their website and you receive the sample collection package that includes a buccal swab for taking a small sample of your buccal epithelium, a pre-sealed envelope, a consent form for the analysis and confidentiality of the information that you must sign, and a brochure with the necessary instructions for you to carry out the whole process.

Once you send the epithelium sample, the laboratories extract the DNA, analyze it and within 4 weeks they send you a complete report where the genetic variants studied are reflected along with the different predispositions to suffer the diseases. You also receive personalized dietary guidelines associated with the genetic results. Subsequently, a nutrition professional from the N3G team contacts you to explain the results and the guidelines to follow to prevent and improve your health.

The diseases included in their analysis are :

  • Arthrosis:
    Chronic degenerative disease that produces the destructive alteration of the cartilage of the joints. Osteoarthritis has grown more than 70% in 20 years in Spain and continues to increase. It does not only affect older people, there are other risk groups such as postmenopausal women and athletes.
  • Obesity
    Obesity in Spain is reaching worrying figures, placing us at the head of Europe, with a prevalence of 25%.
  • Osteoporosis
    There are some 25,000 fractures each year due to osteoporosis in Spain and it is currently estimated that it affects 64% of women.
  • Hypertension
    There are more than 5 million hypertensive patients over 65 years of age, and it is expected that there will be 6 million by 2025. Only 75% of those affected know that they suffer from this disease and only half of them receive some type of treatment.
  • Type 2 diabetes
    13.8% of the Spanish population suffers from type 2 diabetes. Of these, 6% are unaware that they suffer from this disease.
  • Stroke
    In Spain it is the leading cause of death in women and the second in men. Each year stroke causes 90 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.
  • Thrombosis
    Thrombosis is the formation of a clot inside a blood vessel and is one of the causes of acute myocardial infarction. Some 60,000 new cases of thrombosis are diagnosed in Spain each year.
  • Hypercholesterolemia
    More than 50% of the adult Spanish population suffers from hypercholesterolemia, total cholesterol ?200 mg/dl requiring pharmacological treatment.
  • Biliary and renal lithiasis:
    The average prevalence of urolithiasis corresponds to more than two million total cases, and more than 300,000 new cases annually.
  • Macular degeneration
    Around 700,000 people currently suffer from the disease in Spain and it is the most frequent cause of blindness in developed countries.

We must bear in mind that the fact of suffering from it, whether one has a higher risk of suffering from it or not, can be prevented or delayed according to lifestyle and by means of a personalized diet.

Another interesting information of the study is related to how coffee affects us and to know why it has different effects on people according to their genetic composition, the one responsible for the metabolization of coffee is the CYP1A2 gene. We can also obtain information on whether or not we have lactose or gluten intolerance, aspects of great interest for running enthusiasts who want to take care of their diet, given the confusion that exists regarding gluten and lactose among the population that is concerned about their diet.

How is the sampling done?

The process is simple, quick and painless as it is non-invasive, as it consists of swabbing the mucosa of the inner wall of the mouth a few times so that saliva and buccal epithelium samples are collected at the end. After 4 weeks you will receive your information digitally, with a complete u report where you will find all the information referred to your genetic results and guidelines advised according to your genetics, which will allow you from the first moment to adapt your diet in a totally personalized way.


Attach some graph of the summary of the report data, see attached.


Genetic information does not define you, nor does it determine you, since it is highly influenced by our relationship with the environment, training, nutrition, our psychological profile, work environment, family environment, etc. Today we know that genes can express themselves at different levels and the way they do so depends on environmental signals and our interpretation, not on an implacable genetic destiny.

  • The usefulness of genetic information lies in obtaining the relevant information that will allow you to personalize your nutritional strategy to reach your individual goal in a more effective way.
  • "We are shaped by the genes inherited from our ancestors, but it is the environment in which we live, our way of life that makes it possible for some genes to be expressed and others not, and to what extent. Therefore, there is determinism but there is also room for action." Says Miguel Pita, PhD in Genetics and Cell Biology, Researcher at the Autonomous University of Madrid and Professor of Evolution and Genetics.
  • Diet can be a risk factor for a large number of diseases and genes can influence the body's ability to assimilate these nutrients or accumulate them in an altered way, according to the substances ingested daily.
  • It should be kept in mind that diet and the various chemical substances contained in food can alter gene expression or structure.
  • The degree to which diet influences the balance of health depends on our genetic makeup and the microbiota (set of microorganisms) of the digestive tract, and this plays a very important role.
  • "People's genetic makeup is based on geography, and genetic susceptibility to food ingredients changes from one individual to another." A certain nutrient can have a positive effect on one individual and absolutely no effect on another, as well as probably cause a negative one in a third, explains Dr. Dnyandeo Chopade, Medical Consultant Geneticist and Director of the Center for Health and Genetic Research in Nashik (India).
  • Genes can be turned on or off due to various factors, including food, lifestyle, physical activity or even exposure to various chemical and physical factors in our environment.
  • The results of the study by Pascual G et al7) conclude that the influence of the environment and personal habits have a very high weight (70-90%) in the development of most cancers. According to these figures, only 10-30% of cancers are due to random mutations or intrinsic risks such as heredity. Scientific evidence stresses the importance of following healthy lifestyle habits to reduce the risk of developing any type of disease over genetic probabilities.

Nutritional recommendations for runners

All running enthusiasts are recommended to adhere to the Mediterranean diet, that is, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, oily fish and olive oil as an added fat.

It is recommended to distribute the intake in several meals a day, according to the needs and preferences of each person, but giving priority to fresh and seasonal products.

Consume several pieces of fruit daily and complement with portions of vegetables in salads, cooked vegetables, as a garnish for main courses, as an accompaniment to pasta and rice dishes, preferably wholemeal, legumes, etc.

Green leafy vegetables that are rich in calcium are best cooked for a short time and in a small amount of water, as they will retain calcium better. Breakfast cereals and bread are better wholemeal as the consumption of fiber contributes to the maintenance of body weight and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Dairy products should be low in fat, as they are a good source of protein, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Adequate intake of these products ensures essential amino acids and these minerals and vitamins reduce the risk of fractures.

Other sources of calcium and vitamin K are green leafy vegetables (chard, spinach, broccoli...), walnuts and almonds, chia and flax seeds, fish with bones, etc. § Ensure the intake of foods from the protein group such as fish, legumes, eggs and lean meats.

The olive oil preferably extra virgin for cooking and dressing vegetables and salads. § In addition to fiber, seeds provide amino acids and omega-3. Increase the intake of polyphenols, powerful antioxidants from vegetable products such as whole grain cereals, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts....

Use aromatic herbs and spices to season dishes. Drink water, herbal teas, soups and broths and avoid alcoholic beverages, red wine is not healthy although we have been led to believe so.

My opinion about the Nutricion3G genetic analysis

Undoubtedly, this is an interesting topic, an exciting campo of genetics and personal information that can be used to clarify doubts and elucidate the probabilities of suffering from a disease that may worry you...

A painless and easy to perform test that allows you to know more about yourself. Privileged information that was previously only available to elite athletes is now available to us, allowing us to refine and fine-tune details as important as those related to nutrition. Regarding the analysis of Nutricion3G that costs 180 e., I recognize that the information that is curious and interesting, needs to be interpreted objectively. A very complete report with a lot of information about percentages and probabilities of suffering from a series of diseases that are established according to genetically based algorithms. Dietary guidelines are not much different from professional nutritional advice, but having your genetic information on which your recommendations are based in a personalized way is an added valor.

As with many other medical technologies now available to the amateur athlete, caution must be exercised in the interpretation of the data, especially in susceptible or hypochondriac individuals who may react negatively to information regarding the likelihood of suffering from certain diseases. The practicality of these genetic analyses to improve health requires, in turn, strategies to change habits, I mean that it is not enough just to guide and give recommendations but to facilitate the methods to achieve the establishment or correction of certain behaviors.

From my point of view, having your genetic information available is part of an "intelligent health", important when it comes to maintaining healthy lifestyles. What I also find interesting within the services offered by Nutricion3g is that in addition to performing the analysis, you have the possibility of a follow-up by a nutritionist who will help you to correct dietary errors; this control by a professional undoubtedly helps to achieve the necessary eating habits in each of the cases.

In my opinion the future and now the present of sports nutrition, tends to the individualization of the diet according to the particular characteristics among which is the genetic profile.

For more information:


  • Zempo SH, et al. Heritability estimates of muscle strength-related phenotypes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016.
  • Rhodes G, Calvo M, et al. Heritability of running economy: a study made on twin brothers. Eur J App Physiol Occup Physiol 1998; 77(6):511-16. .
  • Guth L, Roth SM. Genetic influence on athletic performance. Curr Opin Pediat 2013; 25(6):653-58).
  • Sanchis-Gomar F, Pareja-Galeano H et al. Olympic genes on the podium? Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2016; 117): 973-74.
  • Brennan L, McNulty B. New technology in nutrition research and practice. Proc Nutr Soc. 2017;18:2.
  • Schrander EA, Huson HJ, Ostrander GK. Genetics of Athletic Performance. Ann Rev Genomics Hum Genet. 2009.10:407-29
  • Rankinen T, Fuku N, Wolfarth B, Wang G, Sarzynski MA, Alexeev DG, et al. No Evidence of a Common DNA Variant Profile Specific to World Class Endurance Athletes. PLOS ONE 11(1):e0147330

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