Simply Run: the latest trend among popular runners and its benefits

Lander Azpiazu
Coach and marathon runner
Posted on 31-05-2023

Looking back, we can see that running has experienced tremendous growth, especially in the last two decades. The awareness of a more active and healthy lifestyle, the greater presence of competitions and the runner phenomenon itself have led a large part of the population to acquire the hobby or routine of running, either to a greater or lesser extent.

Having become a trend, the action of putting on our running shoes and going out to train has many positive effects, but all that it reduces is not gold. We are at a time when running has become, in some contexts, an instrument to demonstrate, a tool of intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction that, in reality, is a double-edged sword. In itself, there is nothing wrong with the ability to overcome challenges; in fact, it is one of the most beautiful things about running.

The problem comes when we set overly ambitious and inadequate goals, either by the influence of the media and social networks or by following in the footsteps of other fellow runners.

We find ourselves in an era where it seems that the more time or distance we run, the more value it has, without considering that "more is better" is not a premise that fits completely with the most genuine running. Going in a short time from not resisting an hour running to doing a marathon or signing up directly to mountain ultra trails without having tried other shorter distances are just some of the examples that we encounter daily. But do I have to run so much if my goal is simply to stay fit and enjoy running?

Absolutely not, and this is where the concept of "Simply Run" comes into play. Don't know what it is? No worries. We'll tell you about it in RUNNEA!

What is the "Simply Run"?

The "Simply Run" concept comes from across the pond, specifically from the United States. This form of running came about as a result of certain people who had almost no time to exercise, nor to do traditional running workouts. Gradually, a group of people decided to dedicate 10 minutes a day to running, which era the time they had before going to work, between days or at the end of the workday.

After a few weeks, they realized that although they were dedicating very little time to running training, they were perceiving and experiencing improvements, noting that just 10 minutes was enough to improve their physical and even mental condition. Gradually, what at the beginning era a habit of a specific segment of people, was spreading rapidly, to the point of creating a trend at national and then international level.

What are the benefits of "Simply Run" for me?

Running regularly for 10 minutes can bring the following benefits:

  • Improved fitness
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness
  • Increased lung capacity
  • Muscle, joint and tendon strengthening
  • Increased bone mineralization
  • Improved mental state
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Promotion of an active lifestyle

Just by reading this list you can see how regular running, even in small fractions, will help us to improve our physical condition, while our cardiac, vascular and pulmonary health will benefit. The impact of running will be the stimulus for our bones to stay "alive", decreasing fragility and the percentage of people with possible risk of osteoporosis.

Not only physically, but running practiced on a regular basis will allow us to feel better psychologically, reducing the impact that episodes of stress or anxiety of our day to day. This acquisition of a routine will also be very interesting to change habits, habits that in this case will help to have a much healthier lifestyle.

Aspects to consider when implementing the "Simply Run".

Eye on the fact. Although the "Simply Run" is a very effective method for people who are not looking for a specific performance, repeating the same workout over time is not the best way to make progress, since the stimulus (the 10-minute run) loses its effect because it is always the same. Therefore, it is important that you receive certain notions so that within the duration of the session you can make certain variations and in this way training is more effective and adapted to the characteristics of each runner. Here are some guidelines that will surely help you:

  • Do not run for 10 minutes at a time if you are not able, alternating periods of walking and running (CaCo).
  • Avoid always running at the same pace, program different intensities.
  • Play with the rhythms within the training
  • Change your route from time to time
  • Include varied routes: different surfaces, slopes or turns.

Finally, it is also important to rest. Although the volume of training is very low, it does not mean that we have to do it every day of the week or year. Our body also needs certain days of respite where it puts in place the mechanisms of recovery and improvement, so do not feel forced to do the "Simply Run" every day.

Rest when your body asks you to and you will see how much more effective the next session will be and how much more enjoyable it will be.

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