What is running? 6 benefits of running

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Posted on 01-04-2022

Running or running are two of the terms most commonly used today to refer to continuous running, a complex and coordinated process that involves the entire body. An act by which the feet touch the ground alternately at a higher speed than walking.

There are countless benefits attributed to the practice of running such as improving the cardiovascular system, weight loss, strengthening bones, or improving our memory, among others. So it is not surprising that more and more of us are choosing to include this discipline in our daily lives.

6 benefits of running

Numerous studies indicate that the practice of this sport stimulates the production of hormones associated with well-being and improves self-esteem. In the following lines, we will try to summarize some of the most important benefits that running has on our health:

Weight loss

running is one of the most recommended sports to promote caloric expenditure as it involves all the muscles of your body.

Improves our mood

The practice of this sport stimulates the production of hormones associated with well-being and improves self-esteem.

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Reduces stress

Running helps reduce cortisol, which is the stress hormone that plays a major role in our lives. It is easier to induce a state of relaxation if we practice sport.

Improves our memory

This is one of the most scientifically proven benefits of running. Running is very effective in strengthening the brain, and this translates into care that keeps the organ younger. With only three hours of running a week, it is possible to stop and even reverse the aging of the brain. Above all, this happens in the areas responsible for memory and higher cognition.

It favors the birth of new neurons

running favors the birth of new neurons, and the quantity of connections produced in the brain, as well as their quality.

Slows down the aging of the brain

By improving our memory and promoting the birth of new neurons, running also plays a fundamental role in slowing down brain aging.

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