What is the core? 10 exercises to strengthen muscles

Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 01-04-2022

When we talk about the core we refer to the set of muscles that make up the abdominals, lumbar, pelvis, buttocks and deep muscles of the spine. Although it is true that this term comes from English, its literal meaning is "core" or "center".

We use this term to define all the muscles in the central area of the body, responsible for keeping us firm and stable. Working the core correctly will bring you benefits such as: improved balance and stability, increased power and efficiency, strengthening of the pelvic floor or improved body attitude, among others.

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Key exercises to work the core in 20 minutes

Here are some exercises that can help you work the central area of the body:

  • Scissor kicks: lower one leg first, then the other, keeping an angle of about 45 degrees.
  • Suspended oblique abdominals: Slightly rotate the trunk until each hand touches the quadriceps of the opposite leg.
  • Pilates lateral raises: Raise and lower the body sideways, holding this position for at least 45 seconds.
  • Russian Twist: Sitting, legs and arms bent, and feet flat on the floor, you have to rotate the trunk, making movements from left to right, and vice versa.
  • Shrugs: Arms stretched and, in parallel, you should try to touch the tibias.
  • Pilates pronated kicks: Starting position parallel to the mat, arms stretched perpendicularly, trunk straight, legs at a 45-degree angle and feet flat on the floor. Raise one leg, then the other, over the trunk.
  • Supinated pilates kicks: Same dynamics as the previous exercise, but in reverse position.
  • TAP 90 degrees: Lying down, back and head in contact with the mat. Arms straight and parallel to the trunk; legs high, together and slightly arched. Lower one leg, then the other, until toe touches the floor.
  • Knee-chest crunches: Stretch the legs together, and the trunk backwards so that the body draws a sort of "V" shape.
  • Oblique crunch: Stretch both legs to form a 45-degree angle with respect to the floor.

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