11 strength exercises for running a half marathon

Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 23-10-2019

Increase endurance, reduce joint impact, improve running endurance and/or prevent injuries, these are some of the main benefits of strength training for runners. In Runnea we present 11 strength exercises for half marathon training, take note runner! Becauseworking on strength is essential to achieve maximum performance and adapting these training routines to a certain competitive goal such as running a half marathon, will allow us to improve substantially.

While it is true that the muscle is heavy, combining different strength exercises with running sessions will only positively affect our performance. An event such as the half marathon requires individualized preparation and strength training will allow us to improve our aerobic capacity and increase our resistance to possible injuries.

11 strength exercises for running a half marathon

Putting on your Running shoes and going out to devour kilometers is, without a doubt, one of the best sensations for running enthusiasts. However, many of us forget the importance of strengthening our muscles. Following an individualized training plan that includes strength sessions as a vital complement to advance, improve and consolidate our career as a runner, is undoubtedly one of the main proposals of Runnea Academy.

Running a half marathon with guarantees, what strength routine should I follow?

Preparing for an event like the half marathon requires a personalized training plan that takes into account the athlete's background, the volume of kilometers, the pace, the realistic competitive goal... in short, just as no two runners are alike, no two training plans are the same.

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The preparation time will vary depending on the runner in question and although it should not be generalized, each runner is different, from Runnea we advise to perform 2 or 3 strength sessions a week and combine them with running workouts. Iker Muñoz, PhD in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and Runnea Academy coach, refers to the importance of working strength in order to compete in a 21K, "we can not run a half marathon just training strength but if we dedicate two days a week 30 minutes to strength work our legs will thank us".

We are NOT suggesting weight training routines, we are suggesting some guidelines to strengthen our muscles and improve as a runner. It is important to pay close attention to the type of physiognomy of each runner; the build (high or low fat) and/or the amount of muscle mass are some of the parameters to take into consideration. Following the Runnea Academy's individualized training plan for the 21K ensures a strength workout, so that our muscles are in the best conditions and thus arrive at the competition with the maximum guarantees.

Muscle strengthening

There are multiple benefits of strength training runners; more resistance, decreased joint impact, greater stability and significantly reduced risk of injury, that's nothing! Therefore, the combination of strength work and running training will be vital to achieve good results.

As we already know, running is a high impact sport and preparing for a goal like running a half marathon requires optimal planning. Running a half marathon for the first time can be an ambitious but achievable challenge for those who work on strength and running in harmony.

Preventing injuries

Many of you admit that you don't work "enough" on strength, and there is no doubt that practicing strength exercises is one of our unfinished business. If we want to enjoy the best running sensations, accumulate kilometers and continue doing what we like the most, it is essential to strengthen our body and reduce the risk of injury to a minimum.

Strength work is vital for running a half marathon.

We seek to be more efficient when running, maintain a stable and efficient running technique and therefore, prevent injuries. Knowing our weak points will help us to focus our strength training on the areas most prone to injury. On the other hand, optimizing our strengths will increase our running efficiency, thus achieving better results in our competitive objectives.

So runner, stop making excuses and incorporate these strength training sessions for runners in your weekly individualized training plan, what are you waiting for?

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