9 reasons why swimming will make you happier

Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 12-09-2016

We live in a society where work and lack of time for self-enjoyment prevail. It is true that, little by little, this tendency is changing and people are realizing that, in the end, the most important thing is to be well with oneself and be happy, and not only to earn money, but to enjoy libre time.

It is important to highlight that swimming can be practiced in different ways, adapting to the individual needs of each person. One example is the existence of different courses that cover ages as diverse as babies and adults.

Swimming for happiness

In this article we are going to explain why practicing swimming periodically, you can become happier.

Physically it increases your pulmonary and cardiovascular capacity, increasing notoriously the quality of our health.

Practicing this sport, you secrete different hormones that directly influence your happiness:

  • Serotonin, which is the so-called happiness hormone. It is a hormone that serves as an anti-stress, since it influences our mood, decreasing or eliminating depressive states.
  • Dopamine, obtaining a pleasant sensation after training, being able to control us before vices such as sweets or tobacco.

Generates endorphins

Although, perhaps, the most remarkable is the generation of endorphins, which mitigates the pain (since they are a natural analgesic), leaving a feeling of joy and happiness.

Under a minimum technical control, it is much less harmful than other sports, since there is no impact with the ground, thus not generating injuries to the joints. It is important to emphasize that the weight of a person is reduced up to 90% with respect to the one outside the water, being able to perform movements that we could not do out of the water.

As it is a different environment to the one we normally move in, the mind relaxes, and, once the swim is done, a feeling of relaxation and well-being is obtained.

It is a very complete physical exercise, since you work with all the muscles of the body, from the neck to the tip of the toes, with the consequent expenditure of calories, and, therefore, the maintenance of an optimal state of fitness.

Itimproves your joint flexibility, decreasing joint pain and, therefore, improving your quality of life.

It is an excellent exercise for certain risk groups, more specifically for pregnant women, people with back problems, overweight problems or arthritis.

In people with lung conditions such as asthma, as it is a humid environment, they canbreathe more easily.

A suitable activity for the elderly

In the elderly, in addition to the physical benefits mentioned above, they will obtain an improvement in motor coordination.

As we have seen, swimming is a sport that, besides being complete and beneficial, provides a series of reactions that will make us feel much better when we get out of the water, presenting that feeling of happiness that everyone is looking for nowadays. Do NOT hesitate and start putting on your swimsuit to face the challenge of life in a much more positive way.

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