My back hurts when I run! Why?

Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 17-08-2021

Who has not suffered from back pain during their sporting life? In the practice of any sport, and in the case of running in particular, it is common to feel back pain when we go running. Any prevention is not enough, and it is necessary for every athlete to be aware of the causes of these pains in order to treat them properly.

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Structure of the back (Muscles, bones,...)

There are many muscles present in the back or which are closely related to its different functions, such as: the dorsal, the trapezius, the serratus, the paravertebral (which consists of 5 muscle groups), etc. We also have muscle groups that help us to avoid possible decompensations, and thus, the risks that these entail. These muscles are the abdominals, psoas, gluteus, piriformis and hamstrings; all of them related to the back area.

In addition, we differentiate three zones along the entire back:

  • The cervical area: it is located in the neck area and has the first 7 vertebrae of the spine. In this area there are several joints with their corresponding muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons,...
  • The dorsal area: this is the central area of the back and corresponds to a total of 12 vertebrae and is located after the cervical vertebrae. Each of the dorsal vertebrae is attached to a pair of ribs, for the protection of internal organs.
  • The lumbar area: The lowest area of the back and is located just next to the buttocks. It consists of 5 vertebrae and could include the sacrum and coccyx.

We must not forget the different curves that are present throughout our back; the abnormal curvatures for effective movements.

If we look laterally at our back, there are different positions that can diminish our performance, such as pronounced lordosis (in the cervical and lumbar area) and pronounced kyphosis (in the dorsal area).

In addition, if we look at the back from the front, when it is totally unbalanced or curved (instead of straight), we say that this abnormality is called scoliosis.

Causes of back pain

The causes of back pain are very variable and multiple. However, we can distinguish three major areas that can generate their own localized pain: cervical, dorsal and lumbar. Below, we will describe the causes of back pain at general and specific levels.

At a general level we can diagnose that the pain is due to:

The postural habits that are daily involved in the routines of our athletes, such as, a bad posture when we sit at work, lifting weights without an adequate and correct postural education, standing for hours without resting,....

On the other hand, there is the age, a factor closely related to the previous section, because there are repeated movements that occur throughout every day of our lives and we must try to correct as soon as possible with our biomechanical; for example, an inadequate footprint during our continuous running.

Also overloads due to poor sports planning cause structural problems in the back. For this reason, the technical staff must take into account different aspects so that the performance of our athlete is adequate at all times.

It is necessary to take into account the decompensations produced between different muscle groups (the problems have already been explained in previous articles), which we will deal with later on.

Finally, there are uncontrollable aspects such as those produced genetically, in which unfortunately there are fewer natural solutions to produce an adequate solution.

How can the lower extremity affect low back pain?

  • Type of footprint. If the tread is not correct, the problems generated will not only affect the back, but will also extend to the lower extremities. It is essential to carry out a biomechanical test of our footprint and thus be able to improve and know how to adapt our Running shoes.
  • Lower limb dysmetry. Basically, it consists of having one leg longer than the other (with a small deviation of one centimeter). These decompensations can generate lumbar scoliosis or pelvic torsion, among others.
  • Large amount of kilometers. Due to the volume of work done, it is possible to overload the back because of the lack of adequate and individualized prevention and planning.
  • Type of surface. The impact decreases on asphalt surfaces, favoring a lower possibility of suffering injuries during running compared to other surfaces such as dirt or the beach, common places where running is usually practiced.

Prevention and treatment of back pain

In order to prevent back pain, it is essential to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, to get rid of laziness and to become increasingly familiar with healthy living habits, and active life is among them.

Likewise, the performance of compensatory muscle exercises is fundamental, strengthening both the abdominal area and the lumbar area and the entire back in general, together with good stretching, are essential for correct postural hygiene. This is achieved by avoiding excesses with unnecessary external loads and with which the body, and more specifically the back, can become resentful.

As part of the treatment, there are various strength and flexibility exercises that can serve as a method of prevention, in addition to modifying the postures that the athlete performs poorly and that with the help of his physiotherapist can be corrected adequately. This is complemented with the application of an individualized treatment.

On the other hand, and in more extreme cases, the treatment to follow is surgery. For example, in a herniated disc, a vertebral fracture, ..., obviously the recovery process will be more expensive, but with desire and a good work will reach great and good results.

Runnea Academy, we help you to avoid injuries and overloads with our individualized trainings.

Improving, advancing and strengthening our sporting career is essential to make the most of our favorite sport; running.

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Muscle pain: trigger points and referred pain ZONES

The trigger point is an area within the muscle in which some bands of the muscle are very contracted. These points have a referred pain, which is the muscle itself in which they are exposed. These are sensitive to touch, that is, they are palpable and are very painful.

And their fashionable treatment consists of dry needling which is the puncture of acupuncture needles so that the established pain disappears definitively.

Which viscera radiate pain to the back?

If we have visceral problems, they will radiate pain to other areas of the body and the back is no less so. According to authors such as José Luis Godoy Muelas, Eduardo Lechuga de Boer and Gloria Duque Huguet, this relationship is as follows:

  • Stomach problem: cervical pain and in the dorsal area.
  • Esophagus: between the scapulae.
  • Heart: upper region of the right scapula.
  • Lungs: right side of the sword.
  • Liver: nape of neck.
  • Small intestine: pain in sacrum and buttocks.
  • Large intestine and bladder: lumbosacral region.
  • Kidneys: lumbar region.
  • Pancreas: lower middle back.
  • In short, there is a strong relationship between the organ and the area of pain.

Compensatory abdominal-lumbar and pelvic floorcore) work.

Finally, we believe that compensatory abdominal-lumbar and pelvic floor work is very important to solve back pain. This work is called CORE, which consists of the combination of abdominals, lumbar and buttocks.

The abdominals and lumbars have the important mission to support the trunk, protect the organs, have a better body posture and protect the spine.

On the other hand, the gluteus muscles have the mission to stabilize the hips and intervene in the upright position.

We also want to include in this compensatory work, the so-called cross training, which is a different training to what we are used to do, but that makes us improve different physical abilities, while recovering.

What do I have to do?

For one reason or another, back pain will accompany us at different times of our lives, and if we do not remedy it by means of prevention, good technique, good strength work, compensatory core and lumbar work and stretching, it is very likely that sooner than we wish we will be faced with this problem.

On the other hand, a good postural hygiene is essential from a very young age, that is to say, the educational work of Physical Education is key for the athlete, when he/she is in adulthood, to unconsciously perform a good body posture in an automated way and not to reproduce different problems. With this type of learning our performance will improve.

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