8 exercises to tighten buttocks at home or at the gym

Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 03-03-2022

Today I bring you a session to tighten buttocks that you can do at home or at the gym.

When running or practicing sports in which you have to run, it is necessary to have stability in our body to be more efficient, and above all, to avoid injuries. Therefore, strengthening the buttocks is very important if you are a runner. The glutes are muscles that participate very actively in the stride and yet they are not always given the proper prominence in training planning.

In addition to providing momentum, the glutes also keep us upright and help us maintain proper back posture , minimizing, among other things, future ailments in the lower back, hips and even knees.

The buttocks are composed of both white fibers, which provide explosiveness, and red fibers, which provide resistance. For this reason, when planning an exercise workout for the glutes, you should avoid the idea of working with too many repetitions and opt for a workout that combines strength, plyometrics (a type of training designed to produce fast and powerful movements) and functional training.

Gluteus maximus exercises

The gluteus is divide into three parts: the gluteus maximus, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. Generally speaking, you can divide the physical work into exercises for the gluteus maximus and exercises for the gluteus maximus medius and gluteus minimus together. As an example of a routine for a strength session, I perform squats with barbells or dumbbells, strides with weights, squats with jumps. Always trying to put a lot of emphasis on the concentric phase and trying to perform deep strides. The deeper it is, the more the gluteus is activated.

These exercises can be included in a routine of 10-15 repetitions with long rests of 1 minute.

Remember that all training should be very progressive, starting with short sessions and sets to eventually reach the indicated number of repetitions.

Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus exercises

The gluteus medius and gluteus minimus act as hip stabilizers. They allow the hip to do its job well and consequently also the knees and ankle.

Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus work can be included at the end of the strength routine and functional training routine, and even add a couple of sets at the end of the run.

It can also be beneficial to work these muscles as a warm-up if you are recovering from an injury or suspect that you have weakness problems resulting from an under-exercised gluteus. The exercises I perform to work the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, hip raises, planks lifting a foot and exercises with weights on the ankles.

It is advisable to finish the workout with a gentle jog to not accustom the body only to strength training.

Here is the routine I do 2 a week to strengthen my glutes so I can be more efficient in running as well as avoid injuries.


Standing, spread your legs to shoulder width apart, pass the bar weight behind your head and hold it with your shoulders. Bend your knees to lower your body. The quadriceps must be parallel to the floor and the knee should not exceed the tip of the toes. The movement must be performed slowly and slowly. Perform 10-15 repetitions. Repeat 3 times.


Pick up a dumbbell with both hands and hold it in an upright position, elbows pointing down. Step forward with your right leg and lower your body until your front knee is bent 90° and no higher than your toe.
Take a rest and then push your body to stand up. First perform 5 repetitions with one leg and repeat the same number with the other leg. Repeat 3 times.

Jumping squats:

With this exercise we mix squats with plyometrics. It will help us gain muscle strength. The movement is the same as the barbell squat but instead of returning to the starting position after bending the knees, we will take impulse and end up doing a jump, before landing and returning to the starting position.

Ball hip raises:

Lie on your back, heels on a Ball with your knees bent. Press your heels on the ball, move your hips up and finish the movement by squeezing your glutes. Be sure not to use your lower back. Return to the starting position.

One-legged hip raise:

Once you control the hip raise, try doing it with one leg.

To lift the hips and one leg at a time we need great gluteal stability and strength. This exercise will help you correct any strength and flexibility imbalance between both sides of the glutes and hips. Lie on your back with the foot of the working leg on the floor and lift this leg until it is fully straight. Bend the knee of the non-working leg and keep it on the floor.

Contract your abs so that your lower back flattens. Maintain this bend throughout the exercise.

Use force with your hands and foot on the floor, lifting your hips as high as you can without arching your back. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly undo the movement.

Barbell Hip Raise

This is one of the best glute exercises, as it intensely activates the upper and lower glutes. This exercise is best to try when you've perfected the previous two, less complex exercises. Place your upper back against a bench with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Squeeze your glutes and lift your hips until they are in line with your body.
Make sure not to bend your lower back during the movement. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Clam (Gluteus Medius):

Lie on your side with your heels together and bend your knees 90°. Spread your knees, being careful not to rotate your pelvis or back. Hold for two seconds with knees open and return to starting position. This exercise for more resistance can be performed with a band between the legs. Perform 10 repetitions with each leg. Repeat 3 times.

Hip Extension (Gluteus Medius):

In this exercise we use a cable machine, placing it at the height of your ankle. With your feet parallel to your hips, stand in front of the machine. Place one foot on the cable. Keep your chest upright and use your gluteus to pull the foot with the cable backwards and outwards (45º). Watch your back, don't let it curve. Hold the extension for one second and then slowly return to the starting position. Perform this exercise 5 times with each leg. Repeat 3 times.

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