8 tips for running when you don't have time

Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 18-10-2018

If reconciling personal life and work life is already complicated, taking some time for physical activity can be considered a high-risk sport! But relax, from Runnea we want to present you 8 tips for running when you do not have much time. Regardless of the goal we have in mind, whether competitive or not, it is important to plan our weekly sports routine very well, in order to avoid last minute "binges" that can lead to painful and uncomfortable sports injuries. Managing our time, setting tangible goals, varying intensity and resting are some of the tips we should internalize when we don't have enough time to get everything done!

8 tips for running when you don't have time

The good thing about this sport is that it serves as an escape valve for all the stress accumulated during a long working day. Putting on your favorite pair of men's or women's Running shoes Running shoes and getting lost is, without a doubt, a feeling that many of us constantly chase! But it is important that we plan our weekly workouts correctly to avoid anxiety, overexertion and even an increased risk of injury. We wanted to point out some tips that you can put into practice immediately and/or in the medium term, so that you can enjoy your favorite sport, even if you have little time, take note of these practical tips!

Plan your time

The day has 24 hours and most of them are spent working both inside and outside the home. It is unfair to generalize, as each of us has different obligations but, inevitably, we must organize and plan our time if we want to get everything done. After taking care of the various daily obligations, there is hardly any time left for leisure and fun. It is important to emphasize that the basis of a good training is a correct diet and rest. Therefore, in our daily planning it is important to consider rest time as mandatory, since, otherwise, our physical condition may be affected. Plan your time according to your goals, and get the most out of your workouts!

Tangible goals

As we have already pointed out from the beginning, it is important to set tangible goals. That is, it is not the same to train for a competition very close in time or, on the contrary, to train with more long-term goals. Our planning will vary and will be adjusted to our goals and therefore, the time we should or want to devote to running as well. It is important to account in real time for the workouts we want to complete in order to avoid "binges" or last minute overexertion that can increase the risk of injury. The clearer and more realistic the goal is, the more we will enjoy the road we will travel, there is no doubt about it!

Bet on a personal trainer

If what you want is to get the most out of your training time, bet on a personal trainer. He or she will help you do your best, even if you have a tight schedule! In addition, these professionals will help you plan your daily sports routines, avoiding overexertion and betting on a wide variety of exercises. What are you waiting for?

Rest, rest and rest

This is undoubtedly one of the most important tips we can give you. Regardless of the time you have to run, a proper rest is essential to achieve a quality training. If our planning does not contemplate a good rest, in the long run, our body will notice it and it will weaken. It is of vital importance to listen and attend to the needs of the body and avoid, as far as possible, to force the machinery. Although we know that running activates us and gives us that much-needed energy, we must be aware of the importance of rest.

Short, high-intensity workouts

Be careful! It is essential to know our physical condition and to have a medical check-up that proves we are in good health. Only then will we be able to perform, without high risk, specific types of workouts whose short duration contrasts with their high intensity. It is not a good idea to do this type of training without good physical preparation, as the risk of injury will increase exponentially!

Choose the right time to go running

There are many experts who point out that doing sport before the start of the working day brings many advantages. Through running and physical exercise, we stimulate the production of endorphins and therefore, we start the day with a more positive attitude. In addition, as the day goes by, fatigue increases and energy decreases, and therefore, our capacity for effort and motivation decreases. Some people, however, prefer to go for a run after an intense workday to release all the stress accumulated during the day. Plan ahead and choose the perfect time to put on your running shoes and go for a run, even if it's only a few kilometers! Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Surround yourself with people who share your interest in running.

Surely like you there are many other running lovers with little time to enjoy this activity. If you are looking to practice your favorite sport and also enjoy good company, this is the time! In addition, being accompanied will motivate you to get off the couch on the laziest days.

There's nothing else to do... sacrifice yourself!

It's hard, we know. Sometimes sport entails certain sacrifices that few understand and share. Giving up more leisure time and using it for training is, for some, the only way to run a few kilometers a week. The important thing is that whatever you do, it fulfills you and makes you happy. They say that running makes us happier, what do you runners think?

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