Music for running: The music Morath listens to

Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 09-03-2014

The music I listen to while running:

I try to maintain a varied "musical diet" and, to a greater or lesser extent, I listen to and like practically all kinds of music since depending on the moment, situation, mood, ... it seems to fit better one or another.

Apart from two or three musical styles that I am unable to stand, not even one song, there are few things that do not fall from time to time in the music player that I usually carry when I run or ride a bike (always with a single headset and with the volume not too high for safety reasons and to hear the noise I make when running, which I find very important to know if you go well or not).

Of course, there are things that I like more than others but, as is evident in the "song of the day" that I usually post on my Facebook (I alternate one day movie phrase and another song), as soon I move between alternative, indie, orange rock, punk rock, etc. of groups that nobody knows as I move to pop or dance more commercial passing, of course, by many of the classics eighties and nineties.

Therefore, it would be impossible for me to choose my "five favorite songs for running" so I'm going to take a different approach and select five of the ones I like the most from what I have in my music player right now.

To make it a little more interesting, I do not repeat groups, to see if this way I contribute not only with the songs but helping some of you to discover a group that maybe you do not know and that you may find interesting.

I hope you like them!!!!!

The music Morath listens to when he runs

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