Thermogenic substances that help you burn fat

Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 25-11-2020

You may have already heard about thermogenic substances and how they can help us in the process of burning body fat and finally reaching our desired weight. Okay, and now you may be wondering about their true effectiveness and how safe it is to use them. It is common that when we hear about foods and substances with the ability to make us lose weight many doubts arise, that is why in this article we will focus on talking about thermogenic substances and what they are good for.

What are thermogenic substances?

Thermogenic substances are those components found naturally in some foods, or in manufactured supplements, which have the ability to increase body temperature and therefore increase basal metabolism, which leads to increased fat burning and weight loss.

In other words, through temorgenic substances the body generates a greater amount of heat during common activities, leading to greater caloric expenditure. As we know, our body's main source of calories comes from fat reserves, so by increasing calorie use we will also be using a greater amount of body fat to supply us with energy, resulting in weight loss.

What are thermogenics for?

Leading a healthy lifestyle combining diet and exercise is the safest and most reliable way to lose weight, however, sometimes we want to help our body achieve its goal faster and that is where we can benefit from thermogenic foods and substances.

But their benefits go beyond just helping us lose weight (although this feature may seem to us the most important), it has been shown that thermogenics also help to increase energy and improve alertness, this without producing the states of anxiety and withdrawal syndrome caused by energy drinks or supplements, so they become a safer option to get energy and at the same time optimize our calorie burning.

What foods can they be found in?

As we have mentioned, there are chemical thermogenics (supplements created in laboratories that are sold in the form of pills or powders) and natural thermogenics, which are foods that contain substances that naturally increase body temperature. It is important to mention that chemical thermogenics are mainly composed of natural substances, so before opting for a supplement it is advisable to try to incorporate natural thermogenics in our diet, being a healthier and more economical option.

Some foods that contain thermogenic substances are the following.


Caffeine, one of the main components of coffee, causes a considerable increase in body temperature, which makes the body need a greater amount of energy for its normal functioning. In addition to this, one of the caffeine compounds helps fats to be used first as a source of energy instead of glucose. Likewise, the mere fact of drinking hot coffee increases the body temperature and makes the body do additional work to return to its normal temperature, burning more calories.

Green tea

Contains catechins, a type of antioxidant with functions similar to those of caffeine, increasing body temperature and causing the metabolism to do more work to return the body to its normal function.


Its mineral calcium content raises body temperature and increases basal metabolism.

Chili and spicy foods

Spicy foods have the ability to increase body temperature as if we were eating a hot food. It is important to consume spicy foods in moderation as they can cause irritation to our digestive system.

Cold water

Cold water lowers our body temperature, therefore the basal metabolism will do a greater amount of work to raise our body temperature again, which will lead to a greater caloric expenditure.

Cayenne pepper

Contains capsaicin, the same component found in peppers, which generates heat in the body accelerating the basal metabolism.

Black pepper

Contains a substance called piperine, which has been shown to temporarily block the accumulation of fat cells, when combined with capsaicin can burn as many calories as a 10-minute walk. Pepper has also been shown to increase the thermogenic action of other foods, making it a good choice to add to our meals.

It is important to emphasize that consuming these foods will not give a miraculous result in our body if we do not follow a balanced diet and do regular physical exercise. In balance is the key to more effective body fat burning.

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