The best gluten-free foods for runners

Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 25-01-2019

Good morning Runneantes!

Writing this post has been a challenge for me, I have to talk about something as important as celiac disease, a disease that, as you know, I suffer from. I already told you about it in one of my first post in Runnea. So it is appropriate that I return to the subject, and talk about the best gluten-free foods for runners.

The first thing I will do is to remind you what celiac disease is?

What is celiac disease and how does it affect the runner?

We'll start by telling you what celiac disease is according to the FACE (Federation of Celiac Associations). Celiac Disease (CD) is an autoimmune disease, caused by gluten and related prolamins in genetically susceptible individuals, and is characterized by the presence of a variable combination of: gluten-dependent clinical manifestations, CD-specific antibodies, HLA DQ2 or DQ8 haplotypes and enteropathy. This definition was updated by ESPGHAN (European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition) in 2012.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune and systemic disorder caused by a permanent intolerance to gluten and occurs in genetically predisposed individuals.

  • Autoimmune disorder or disease: It is the one that occurs when our immune system reacts in a strange way against some cells of our own body or external agents. In other words, our system acts by attacking our own body.
  • Genetic predisposition: It is the genetic load that we have from our ancestors and that influences in having more or less probabilities of developing certain diseases. That is to say, if a person has a test and it is negative, he/she is not and will never be celiac. On the other hand, if he/she tests positive , he/she may or may not develop the disease.

It is gluten that causes this disorder, because when it reaches the small intestine, it is considered by our body as a harmful agent and attacks it causing a severe atrophy of the mucus in the walls of the intestine. With the gluten-free diet, a normalization of these mucus and the disappearance of the symptoms associated with this disease is achieved. Therefore, a celiac patient will always suffer intestinal damage when ingesting gluten, even if there are no external manifestations. The gluten-free diet is strict, permanent and lifelong. We are never cured, a "little" gluten always harms us.

According to the FACE (Federation of Celiac Associations), symptoms can vary according to age and can also be atypical or absent, which can make diagnosis difficult.

If you want more information about celiac disease, I recommend you to visit this section of Helena's blog, from Disfrutando sin Gluten.

Gluten-free diet for celiac runneantes

Having explained basic issues, but not less important, we will begin by emphasizing that the gluten-free diet is for life for those runneantes who are celiac as well as for those who have gluten intolerance.

Celiac runneantes include in our diet other not so well known cereals such as buckwheat, quinoa, teff, amaranth, millet, rice and corn; which provide us with all the fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals we need.

Currently, due to the large amount of information we have thanks to new technologies, and the dissemination in social networks of "tips" and recipes to be healthier, there is a lot of information and misinformation about gluten-free diets.

In fact, it is not proven that a healthy runner, who has a balanced diet, vaya improve their athletic performance just by switching to a "gluten-free diet". In fact, following a gluten-free diet, without any kind of control by a dietician or nutritionist, can lead to weight gain, due to the intake of complex carbohydrates, added fats and an imbalance of vitamins and minerals. Yes runneantes, gluten-free foods, those sold in supermarkets, are ultra-processed full of fat and complex CH; Therefore, celiacs, as you could see in this post, we tend to be cooks and look for the healthiest options for our body.

In addition, currently, we have in social networks, with lovely people who share all their recipes and cooking tricks without gluten, like my friend Helena from Disfrutando sin Gluten or Adriana from Manualidades sin Gluten. Likewise, my partner Alicia, from Trotamundos sin Gluten, shows us the places in Spain and the world with the best gluten-free options.

I can assure you that eating gluten-free is not synonymous with eating healthier or eating cheaply. Just go to any grocery store and compare a simple package of pasta, flour or bread. You will be surprised.

"Realfooding": "Real food", war against ultra-processed foods

We must follow a diet as balanced as possible, to give our body all the nutrients we need to perform at our best in our sports activity. To do this, we base our diet on "real food" or "realfooding" as Carlos Rios calls it. Realfooding is a lifestyle based on eating real food and avoiding ultra-processed food. It is a movement that defends the right to healthy food for everyone.

Based on some of my dietary guidelines, these may be some of our best options:

  • Nuts or cereal bars: I usually include them in all my breakfasts before training. They are another source of energy, rich in carbohydrates that provide fiber and good fats. My favorite nuts: macadamia nuts and almonds that my mom makes me.
  • Gluten-free oats: Very versatile food that offers us multiple ways to take it. Oats are a cereal low in saturated fats, a source of vitamins E, B1, B2 and minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium, which contribute to good cardiovascular function. It is one of the foods present in the diet of celiac runners, perfect to include it in our breakfasts or as a pre-workout.

  • Fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates: Source of energy of fast absorption for our organism; they provide us with fructose and glucose, that is to say, sugars of fast absorption, in addition to fiber, vitamins, minerals and water.

For runners, the fruit par excellence is the banana. Its potassium content gives us an extra boost of energy before a race, as well as a quick recovery after it. In my case, I prefer avocado. I can't resist, I love it in all its possible versions. I usually eat it without anything else, or on toast with almond flour or coconut, in spinach salad....Ah! And I make an avocado brownie...which is delicious!!! I'll pass you the recipe! ;-)

  • Meat and fish: They are essential for the maintenance of our long-suffering muscles. According to the recommendations of specialists, we should take 15 grams of protein per kilo of weight.

Likewise, we have the option of consuming this protein through vegetable options, such as lentils, soy, etc.

  • Rice and pasta: One of the most complete foods to improve our sports performance. If you choose the whole grain option, you will be providing your body with extra fiber, vitamins and minerals. Here is a delicious option from Helena's blog, Risotto carbonara.

Added problem: Lactose Intolerance

As you may have concluded, I do not include dairy in my diet, since another characteristic of my disease is that it is usually associated with lactose intolerance (sugar present in milk of animal origin). The villi in our intestine produce an enzyme called lactase that breaks down lactose; in the case of celiac disease, in short, lactase levels are very low, so lactose is not broken down and causes pain, abdominal bloating, diarrhea and even nausea.

So when you are diagnosed with celiac disease, our lactase levels are often low and we may also be diagnosed with lactose intolerance. As we start the gluten-free diet, our villi gradually regenerate, and this intolerance may improve slightly, but this is not always the case, so, as I said at the beginning of the paragraph, celiac disease and lactose intolerance go hand in hand.

My dairy substitutes are vegetable options: I am a fan of almond coconut milk! Have you tried it, do you like it? I'm also a fan of vegan cheeses! I discovered them recently...but they are delicious!!!

Professional advice, key

And with this I say goodbye runneantes; I hope you liked the post. Now you know a little more about me and my celiac disease. Remember to always try to find a healthy and balanced diet, and if it is the case, ask for help to dieticians and / or nutritionists for advice. Your health is at stake...this is the story of a runner who has found it very difficult to achieve digestive wellness. Soon, I will talk to you about how a celiac runner manages the race refreshments, are you interested? See you with your Running shoes on!!!!

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