Injury prevention and sudden death in running with Alberto Cebollada

Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 12-05-2016

Today we return to Alberto Cebollada because you have asked us to do so in your comments and he comes to talk about a topic that is very topical after recent events in races and events of medium and long distance. We will talk about sudden death, prevention of sports injuries, good practices before facing sporting challenges and the choice of the right material to avoid injury. All of them in the running podcast that accompanies you when you go running.

Some of the things you are going to hear in the episode

"A marathon is not prepared in 3 months, not even a half marathon, not even a half Ironman".

Doing a medical checkup is highly recommended, but doing so does not exempt you from the risk of undertaking certain limit efforts without the necessary physical preparation. We give too much importance to the final result, to the position in the ranking, to the time invested and we forget the most important thing, which is to enjoy the sport and take advantage of the healthy benefits that come from its practice". We all have some responsibility in this unfortunate situation of "wanting to show that we are capable and the need to reach the finish line at all costs", and if possible before my neighbor better ....

This, gentlemen, sometimes leads to death when the physical preparation is not adequate. Many of these long-distance races that have become popular, "which in my opinion have lost respect", must be prepared not only for months but after having practiced for years and having necessarily gone through previous sporting stages in a progressive manner.

Alberto Cebollada is one of our chief analysts here at Runnea, he is a running coach, triathlon, posturology expert and regular contributor to the magazines Triathlon and Sport Life.

Listen to episode 15 Runnea Podcast with Alberto Cebollada

Raffle among those who leave us a 5 rating on iTunes

We want to reach more and more people and that's why we're going to ask you for a little help. Among all those who leave us a 5 star rating in iTunes (only if you think we deserve it) we are going to raffle a pair of SURAL compression socks. Only among those who vote until May 30. The raffle will take place the first week of June in the podcast itself.

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