How and why to start running without cushioning and not get injured in the attempt

How and why to start running without cushioning and not get injured in the attempt
Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 13-04-2016

A book, Born to Run, changed the way he understood running... Santi Ruiz discovered the benefits of barefoot running for his body and is now one of the biggest advocates of this sport. "It's recommended for everyone," he assures us.

During the next few minutes you will discover how this pharmacist by training has made a 180º turn in his life to face sport in the most natural way he knows. He has run marathons barefoot, and what used to mean being the "odd man out" in the group is now a trend that the running industry has not been able to escape.

Minimalist footwear is triumphing and Santí Ruiz explains why and how to do it in such a way that we don't injure ourselves in the attempt.

By the way, if you have a story/challenge/sporting feat to tell us, do it because it has a prize. More info HERE

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