The latest in wearables: smart collars for dogs

The latest in wearables: smart collars for dogs
Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 03-02-2015

If you think you've seen it all in the world of wearables, you're wrong. The latest trend in these activity monitors is aimed at a four-legged and, in many cases, somewhat furry crowd. Some companies have discovered a niche market in the pet segment. They have copied some of the technology implemented in smart bracelets and transferred it to these gadgets and collars for dogs. The purpose of these devices is, in many cases, to monitor your dog's activity and to be able to find your pet in case of loss, through an integrated GPS.


Waterproof and with a 10-day battery life. So is this small but useful gadget with circular shape and silver color that attaches easily to the collar of your dog to measure their daily activity. Through the application developed by the firm Whistle and available for free for Android and iOS you can monitor the activity of your pet, see how it behaves over time and receive relevant notifications on your smartphone.

From now on, with this app you will know exactly the total hours of exercise or walk your dog has completed, as well as the rest times. This wearable also allows you to set daily goals based on a series of parameters such as your pet's age, weight or wingspan.

The Whistle application incorporates a function that includes notes and reminders to control your dog's medication, a vaccination calendar and veterinary check-ups. On the other hand, it includes a more idle function such as the possibility of taking photos of your pet to save them for posterity or share them through social networks with your family and friends.

Recently the American firm specializing in dogs has bought Tagg, with the aim of launching this year to the market a new device that combines an activity monitor with integrated GPS. "Make sure he always gets home safely", so says the company's motto after analyzing the statistics that show a balance of 10 million pets lost each year and now, thanks to the acquisition of this pioneering positioning system for pets developed by Tagg, is able to geolocate your faithful companion in case of loss. In addition, it has a sensor that measures the ambient temperature, an extremely useful feature for those pets that sleep in a kennel.


If you are one of those who have your dog well trained and you are not so much worried about the fact that he might run away or get lost, but those extra pounds he might have, Fitbark is the perfect activity monitor for your pets.

The FitBark device is easily attached to the collar so you can monitor your dog's daily physical activity. Depending on how much he moves and, through the gamification system, he will get more or less BarkPoints. A fun and simple way to check his progress. Among its many utilities is the ability to set goals and rewards for achieving them, set inactivity alarms and share fond memories with your family and friends.

Through this gadget and its respective app available for iOS and Android operating systems, any pet owner can learn more about the health of your dog, make better decisions with your veterinarian and even get to explain some behavioral changes.

Scout 5000

This collar developed by Motorola is the ultimate. It includes such unlikely functions as communicating with your pet through a built-in microphone, in case of loss it allows you to geolocate it, it also integrates a high-definition camera so you can see via streaming what it is doing and also allows you to take pictures.

The Scout 5000 collar keeps the owner informed at all times through a mobile application available for iOS and Android about the movements and noises emitted by your pet. This specific activity monitor for dogs has other useful functions focused on checking the health of your dog or counting the distance traveled. On the other hand, the integrated audio system allows you to send high-frequency sounds (inaudible to people) to reprimand or reward him for his behavior.

Although the Scout 5000 collar model is aimed at large breeds, there is also another version for small breeds but without camera, whose commercial name is Scout 2500.

This intelligent collar for dogs will be on sale soon with a price of $199.

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