Karhu Championair

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Details of Championair

Gender Men , Women

The Karhu Championair silhouette from the Finnish company offers us that type of classic construction sneaker that is so popular with today's adult public, mainly because of its aesthetic inspiration from running shoes from previous decades. This model belongs to the brand's archive, it was created in 1977. Forty years later, this model returns to the brand's catalog to represent the essence of one of the pioneering footwear brands in the specialization of cushioning in European footwear. We now have within our reach a shoe that no longer stands out for its cushioning, but for the quality and finish of its classic style materials.

The manufacture of this model has a classic shoe construction based on premium quality suede in combination with a very soft nylon to the touch. The suede is present in the parts of the shoe most sensitive to wear, thus offering a clear function of reinforcement in a "T" shaped toe and heel, which is also reinforced by the rubber sole. Maintaining the style of the classic Adidas Montreal of the German firm in this rear area of which we speak. On the bottom, a lightweight foam midsole and simple rubber outsole contribute to a retro style shoe, light and effective for the day.

This model is one of the five best sellers in the scarce sneaker catalog offered by the Finnish brand. Of course, you can get it in different types of combinations, sure to find that combination that you like so much for your sneakers. If you like classic footwear and retro fashion, these Championair may be your best option to step with style and distinction for all the streets of the city.

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