

Details of Tempo NEXT%

Gender Men , Women
Weight 275 gr
Drop 10 mm
Cushion High
Runner weight Medium
Running gait Neutral , Supination
Surface Road
Use training , mixed
Foot High arch feet , Normal feet
Strike heel
Distance Short , 10K , Half-marathon , Marathon
Year 2020

The Nike Air Zoom Tempo Next% is the latest version of the award-winning Nike Alphafly Next% for training. The difference is that the Tempo Next% model has been optimised to offer greater comfort and cushioning for the most demanding daily workouts and competitions. Designed to break records, this innovative trainer combines design and durability for the fastest and most demanding runners.

The introduction of the new Nike Air Zoom Tempo Next% running shoes completely revolutionises the most competitive market. Designed to smash records during the most demanding daily workouts, this trainer incorporates Nike's latest technology and materials; carbon plate, React cushioning system, ZoomX foam and Zoom Air capsules, as well as others.

Nike Air Zoom Tempo Next%, designed to break records

With the innovative Nike Air Zoom Tempo Next%, Nike's ambitious objective is to offer the fastest runners the response, speed, reactivity and propulsion they need to shave valuable seconds off the clock. This silhouette combines performance and style to fly over the road.

The Nike Air Zoom Tempo Next% incorporates Nike Running's most revolutionary system to date; the Nike NEXT% system, which is "designed to give athletes a measurable advantage." There are many technologies that play an active part of this new model so, let's look at them one by one:

Propulsion Plate

This model features a plate that provides increased propulsion, propelling the runner to reach maximum running speed.

ZoomX foam

ZoomX foam combines softness, comfort and reactivity for the benefit of faster runners. A lighter compound that provides impeccable energy return along with superior cushioning.

Zoom Air Pods

One of the main innovations of the new Next% generation, the Zoom Air pods, are located in the forefoot area. These guarantee greater cushioning in this area of the trainer and offer a greater sense of propulsion.

React technology

React technology in the heel area ensures greater comfort with every step with its maximum cushioning.

The upper of these top-of-the-range cushioned running shoes features Flyknit fabric, a high-tenacity translucent design in combination with synthetic material to offer maximum breathability, support and fit.

As pointed out by the American brand, "the rubber outsole incorporates a design created using data from hundreds of runners." This data allows for greater traction in the most essential areas.

Technical specifications of the Nike Air Zoom Tempo Next%

This innovative silhouette is aimed at neutral-gait runners looking to break records in the most demanding daily workouts. This model includes the the American company's most ambitious and cutting-edge technology, is optimised to offer maximum performance in races, and is without a doubt one of the best running shoes with carbon plate. Check it out!

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